Raymarine ST4000 Plus Скачать руководство пользователя страница 1


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Содержание ST4000 Plus

Страница 1: ...Distributed by Any reference to Raytheon or RTN in this manual should be interpreted as Raymarine The names Raytheon and RTN are owned by the Raytheon Company...

Страница 2: ...ST4000Plus Wheel Tiller Autopilots Owner s Handbook Document number 81131_4 Date 18thApril1999...

Страница 3: ...2 Titleof handbook...

Страница 4: ...i Boat s Electrical Distribution Panel Rudder Reference Unit optional fit for wheel pilot only ST4000 Plus Control Head Fluxgate Compass SeaTalk Instruments Tiller Pilot Actuator Wheel Pilot Actuator...

Страница 5: ...withinthishandbook Tothebestofourknowledge theinformationcontainedwithinthishandbookwascorrect asitwenttopress Agreatdealofcarehasbeentakentoensurethatthishandbookisasaccurateaspossible However liabil...

Страница 6: ...apter5 Providesdetailsonhowtomakeadjustmentstocustomise theautopilottoyourparticularvessel Chapter6 Explainshowtoinstallyourautopilotanditscomponents Chapter7 Coversfunctionaltestinganddocksideprocedu...

Страница 7: ...urethe lockedautopilotheadingsteersyouclearofallobstacles Make properallowanceforTidalSet theautopilotcannot EvenwhenyourautopilotislockedontothedesiredTrackusinga radionavigationreceiver alwaysmainta...

Страница 8: ...s 3 2 2 Display layout 4 2 3 Using Auto mode 5 Engaging the autopilot Auto 5 Disengaging the autopilot Standby to return to hand steering 6 Changing course in Auto mode 6 Dodging obstacles in Auto mod...

Страница 9: ...ance 19 Arrival 19 Skipping a waypoint SeaTalk navigators only 20 Advance 20 Dodges 20 Initiating a dodge manoeuvre 20 Cancelling a dodge manoeuvre 20 Safety 21 Position confirmation at the start of a...

Страница 10: ...ster unit 33 4 3 Entering your code Manual mode only 33 4 4 Code number problems 34 Chapter 5 Customising the ST4000 Plus 35 5 1 User Setup 35 Compass deviation correction 37 Deviation display 37 Head...

Страница 11: ...s 47 Suppression ferrites 48 Connections to other equipment 48 Cabling 48 6 2 Control head 49 Siting 49 Mounting procedure 49 Cable connectors 50 Power supply connection 51 Connections to SeaTalk 52 S...

Страница 12: ...5 6 6 Tiller actuator installation 67 Basic installation 68 Tiller pin installation Part No D001 68 Mounting socket installation Part No D002 69 Installation accessories 69 Pushrod extensions 69 Tille...

Страница 13: ...eaTalk interface 84 7 2 Dockside procedures 85 Dockside rudder calibration procedure 85 Rudder offset adjustment 87 7 3 Initial sea trial 87 EMC conformance 87 Overview 88 Automatic compass deviation...

Страница 14: ...navigator GPS Decca Loran transmittingNMEA0183data There are four operating modes Standby Autopilotoff Auto Autopilotengagedandlockedontoaheading Track Autopilotmaintainsatrackbetweentwowaypointscreat...

Страница 15: ...f thereissignificantbacklashinthesteeringsystem oroptimum performanceisrequiredfromamechanicalorcablesteeringsystem Note YouMUSTfitarudderreferenceiftheST4000Plusisinstalled onahydraulicsteeringsystem...

Страница 16: ...rboard 1 Port 10 Starboard 10 STANDBY plus AUTO Press for Vane mode 1 plus 1 Press for Response level 1 plus 10 Press together for AutoTack to starboard 1 plus 10 Press together for AutoTack to port P...

Страница 17: ...Ddisplay Rudder or Steer Direction Indicator Thebar graph at thebottomof the displayisnormallyarudder bar Ifithasbeensetasadirection to steerindicator thedisplaydepends onthecurrentmode asfollows Mode...

Страница 18: ...2 Engagetheclutchlever WheelPilot or placetheactuator over the tiller pin Tiller Pilot Extending and Retracting the Tiller Pushrod Use any of these keys to extend or retract the pushrod Engaging the c...

Страница 19: ...he autopilot Standby toreturnto handsteering 1 Press standby D3561 1 InStandbymode thedisplayshowsthevessel scurrent compassheading 2 Disengagetheclutchlever WheelPilot orremovetheactuator fromthetill...

Страница 20: ...heobstacle youcanreversetheprevious coursechange forexample press 10threetimes orreturntothe previous locked heading LAS THDG Returningtothe previouslockedheading LASTHDG Ifforanyreasonthevesselisstee...

Страница 21: ...umetheoriginalcourse press auto oncewithinthis7secondperiod Ifyoudonotpress autowhilethedisplayisflashing thecurrent headingwillbemaintained Automatictack AutoTack TheST4000Plushasabuiltinautomatictac...

Страница 22: ...port Press the 1and 10keys together totacktoport Off course alarm Theoffcoursealarmwillsoundifthelockedautopilotheadingandthe vessel scurrentheadingdifferformorethan20seconds bymorethan thealarmangles...

Страница 23: ...dingpriortoengagingtheautopilot Course changesunder autopilot control Itisimportanttounderstandtheeffectofsuddentrimchangeson steeringperformance Whenasuddentrimchangeoccurs due for example toweatherh...

Страница 24: ...Easethemainsheettravellertoleewardtoreduceheelingand weatherhelm Ifnecessary reefthemainsailalittleearly Itisalsoadvisable wheneverpossible toavoidsailingwiththewind deadasterninverystrongwindsandlar...

Страница 25: ...isoff 2 5Data pages The dispkey is used to cycle pages of SeaTalk or NMEA data Once aDataPageisselected thispagebecomestheprincipleautopilot display Theautopilotmodedisplays Standby Auto TrackandVane...

Страница 26: ...e Most displays are repeated data and cannot be adjusted The exceptions are the Response and Rudder Gain pages if selected for display whichcanbeadjustedusingthe 1and 1keys Thecurrentautopilotmodeissh...

Страница 27: ...14 S T4000P lusWheel TillerAutopilotsOwner sHandbook...

Страница 28: ...romaplannedtrack from a ASeaTalknavigationinstrumentorchartplotter or b Anon SeaTalknavigationsystemtransmittingdatainthe NMEA 0183 format this can be connected directly to the ST4000 Plus NMEAinput a...

Страница 29: ...withthecurrentlockedheading displayed Afterashortdelayfordataacquisition theWaypointAdvancealarm willsound andthedisplaywillshowtheplannedbearingtowaypoint alternatingwiththedirectioninwhichtheboatwil...

Страница 30: ...ockedpilotheading Note Atlowspeeds theeffectoftidalstreamsisfarmoresignificant thanitisathigherspeeds Providingthetidalflowislessthan35 of thevessel sspeed nonoticeabledifferenceshouldoccurinthe perfo...

Страница 31: ...Error alarm sounds if the cross track error exceeds0 3 nm The direction of the error is identified as port Pt or starboard Stb To cancel the alarm press standbyto return to hand steering or autotoretu...

Страница 32: ...r5 Vessel s speed Vessel s Waypoint arrival andadvance IfyournavigationreceivertransmitsvalidNMEAwaypointnumber andbearingtowaypointdata itispossibletoadvancefromone waypointtothenextbysimplypressingt...

Страница 33: ...ntainsthecurrentboatheading 1 Checkthatitissafetoturnontothenewtrack 2 Pressthetrackkey ThiswillcanceltheWaypointAdvancealarm andturntheboattowardsthenextwaypoint UnlesstheWaypointAdvanceisacceptedint...

Страница 34: ...rly Inconfinedwaters orwhenpotentialhazardsarenear plotsshould bemorefrequent Localvariationsinradiosignalquality andchangesinthetidal stream willproducedeviationsfromthedesiredtrack Settingwaypoints...

Страница 35: ...Awindinformation AutohelmwindvaneconnectedtoaSeaTalkinterfacebox SelectingVane mode Vanemode canbe selectedfromeither Standbyor Automodes as follows 1 Steadythevesselontoaheadingatwhichtheapparentwind...

Страница 36: ...indangle LASTWND Ifforanyreasonthevesselissteeredawayfromtheselectedapparent windangle forexample adodgemanoeuvreorselectingStandby you canreturntothepreviouslockedwindangle 1 Press standbyand autotog...

Страница 37: ...her adjustthelockedwindangleusingthe 1 1 10and 10 keys orpressstandbytoreturntohandsteering steerontothe required heading and pressstandbyandautotogethertoreturnto Vanemodewiththenewapparentwindangle...

Страница 38: ...reselectingVaneMode Vanemodefiltersthewindvaneoutput Thisprovidestheoptimum responseforoff shoreconditionswheregenuineshiftsinwind directionoccurgradually Ingustyandunsteadyinshoreconditions itisbestt...

Страница 39: ...eepingaccuracyandtheamountofhelm driveactivity ResponseLevel1 AutoSeastate AutomaticDeadband causesthe autopilottograduallyignorerepetitivemovementsofthevesseland onlyreacttotruevariationsincourse Thi...

Страница 40: ...wiringfaultintheSeaTalk connection Off course OF F C OUR S E Thisalarmisactivatedwhenthevesselhasbeenoffcoursefromthe lockedheadingbymorethanthespecifiedangleformorethan20 seconds see section 2 3 Usin...

Страница 41: ...ssoonas thesignalstrengthimproves Vanemodeisengagedandtheautopilothasnotreceivedwindangle data for 30 seconds Theautopilot stopsadjustingtheheadingassoonasdataislost Waypoint advance NE XTWP T TheWayp...

Страница 42: ...ablefromStandbymode IfyouwishtosettheWatchmode theWATC Hscreenmustbe configuredasone of theData Pagesfor display asdescribedinsection 5 1 To set and control the Watch alarm 1 Select Auto Track or Vane...

Страница 43: ...alarmisreceivedviaSeaTalk Press standbyor dispto cancel the alarm Manoverboard MOB If amanoverboard MOB messageisreceivedfromanother instrumentontheSeaTalksystem thetextMOBisshowninsteadofthe waypoint...

Страница 44: ...odeisusedwhenthereisadisplayunitsituatedinasecure location ideallybelowdeck oronewhichcanbeunpluggedand removedtoasecurelocation Youenter your chosencodeonthis master unitwhenyoufirstactivateCodeLock...

Страница 45: ...djust value at the cursor Move the flashing cursor to the next position MakesurethattheautopilotisinStandbymodebeforeaccessing IntermediateSetup If theC ALLOC Kscreen is displayed instead of theVE R S...

Страница 46: ...e code 1 DisplaytheCodeLockentryscreenandenteryourcurrentcode as shownintheflowchart The code is checked If it is incorrect the four dashes are redisplayedandyoumustenterthecodeagain Ifitiscorrect the...

Страница 47: ...terdisplayunit refertothe handbookforthatunitfordetailsofthecodeentryprocedure 4 4Code number problems If an incorrect code number has been entered the four dashes are redisplayed withtheprompt enterc...

Страница 48: ...he calibrationlockwhichcanbeusedtopreventaccidentalaccessto UserandIntermediateSetup The ST4000 Plus is calibrated at the factory to provide stable performanceformostyachts Althoughmanyofthesetupand c...

Страница 49: ...36 S T4000P lusWheel TillerAutopilotsOwner sHandbook 1 1 OR Adjusting User Setup Values...

Страница 50: ...orrection see PostInstallationProcedures However oncethe initialcorrectionprocedurehasbeencarriedout makeanyalignment adjustmentsasoftenasyouwish withoutre correctingyourcompass Steeryourvesselontoakn...

Страница 51: ...selisatthedockside The Dockside Rudder Calibration procedure is described in detail in Chapter7 PostInstallationProcedures If you start the procedure by mistake pressanykeytocancelit Data pages DATAPA...

Страница 52: ...urseOverGround C OG S peedOverGround Knots S OGKTS C rossTrackE rror XTE Distanceto WaypointDTW BearingtoWaypoint BTW R udderGain R UDDGAIN R esponse R E S P ONS E Watch WATC H Univeral TimeC onstant...

Страница 53: ...t theBTWandDTWpageswilldisplaythebearinganddistancetothe MOBlocation soitisgoodpracticetoretainthesepagesfordisplay 5 2Dealer Setup DealerSetupallowsyoutocustomisetheautopilottoyourboat However thefac...


Страница 55: ...100 AutoTrim OF F 1to4 3 Drivetype 1or2 1 soft drive Variation OF F 30to 30 O AutoAdapt N S OF F OF F Latitude 0to80 0 AutoR elease N A R udderdamping A 1to9 1 A C ruisespeed A 1to60 A usevaluefromS...

Страница 56: ...ge5to20 Forsailboatapplicationsit should be set to 20 Alignrudder Rudder Offset Youonlyneedtosetthisoptionifyoursystemincludesarudder referenceunit Manuallyplacethehelminacentralposition Thereportedru...

Страница 57: ...ting Effect Recommendedfor Off Notrimcorrection 1 S lowtrimcorrection Heavydisplacement vessels with full keel ortransomrudder 2 Mediumtrimcorrection Heavydisplacement vessels 3 F ast trimcorrection M...

Страница 58: ...faultsetting softdrive shouldberetainedfor mechanicallydrivenvessels Variation Ifrequired setthisvaluetothelevelofmagneticvariationpresentat yourvessel scurrentposition vevariation East vevariation We...

Страница 59: ...ing Youonlyneedtosetthisoptionifyoursystemincludesarudder referenceunit andthedrive hunts whentryingtopositiontherudder Testforthiswhenyourvesselismooreddockside bypressing auto and then 10 If thehelm...

Страница 60: ...snotcompromised Althougheveryefforthasbeentakentoensurethattheywillperform underallconditions itisimportanttounderstandwhatfactorscould affect the operationof the product Tominimisetheriskofoperatingp...

Страница 61: ...reassembledinthesameposition Suppressionferrites Thefollowingillustrationshowsthetypicalrangeofsuppression ferritesfittedtoRaytheonequipment Alwaysusetheferritesspecified byRaytheon Connectionstoother...

Страница 62: ...ss Atleast1 m 3 ft fromanyradio radarreceiving transmitting equipment Accessiblefrombehindtosecureandruncables Note Thebackcoverisdesignedtobreaththroughthecablebossto preventmoistureaccumulation This...

Страница 63: ...hroughthe bulkhead 7 Attachthecablestotheappropriateterminals seerelevant subsectionforconnectiondetails 8 Assemblethecontrolheadtothebulkhead 9 Securethecontrolheadwiththethumbnuts 3 provided Cable c...

Страница 64: ...ft powerleadterminatedwith1 4 inchspadeconnectors issuppliedforthispurpose A12 Acircuitbreaker orfuse mustbefittedtothe 12 Vsupply D3287 1 Power Cable Brown 12A Fuse or circuit breaker Blue The power...

Страница 65: ...ables are not supplied with the ST4000 Plus cables must be purchasedfromyourAutohelmdealer SeaTalkcables ThefollowingtableliststhecablesavailablefromyourAutohelm dealer Part No Description D187 F lat...

Страница 66: ...owsthetypesofSeaTalkcableavailable 6 3Fluxgate compass Mounting location Attachthefluxgatecompasstoaconvenientverticalsurfaceusingthe self tappingscrewsprovided Thereisnoneedtosetthefluxgate compassfo...

Страница 67: ...asfarawayaspossiblefrom largeironmasses suchastheengineandothermagneticdevices whichmaycausedeviationandreducethesensitivityofthesensor Ifanydoubtexistsovermagneticsuitabilityofthechosensite the posit...

Страница 68: ...ommendedmountingpositionsare showninthefollowingdiagram 6ft 1 8m 4ft 1 2m 4ft 1 2m Asanalternative youcanmountapickoffcoil Z110 belowafully compensatedClassAcompassorsimilar Cabling 1 Routethefluxgate...

Страница 69: ...section7 2 Mounting position Mount the transducer on a suitable base adjacent to the rudder stock usingtheselftappingscrewsprovided Thebaseheightmustensurecorrectverticalalignmentofthe transducerarman...

Страница 70: ...bemadebyslackeningofftheretaining screwsandrotatingthetransducerbody Installingthe rudder reference transducer 1 Thetillerpinmustbewithinthelimitsshownintheprevious illustration 2 DimensionAshould ide...

Страница 71: ...General information The Autohelm ST4000 Plus Wheel Actuator is designed to operate withsteeringsystemshavingbetween1and3 5turnslocktolock Steeringsystemswithmorethan3 5turnsmaycauseimpaired steering p...

Страница 72: ...ampselection The drive unit can be used on wheels with 3 4 5 or 6 spokes Thedriveunitisclampedtothewheelspokesusingtheboltsand clampsprovided Anadditionalsetofclampsandboltsfor thefourthspokeare avail...

Страница 73: ...ters Marked alongside each clamp is a range of spoke diameters The appropriate clamps are broken off as required 4 Whentheactuatorisfittedtoadishedwheel usethesupplied spacers topreventdistortionofthe...

Страница 74: ...ingtowoodenwheels Anattachmentkit CatalogueNo D119 forusewithwoodenwheelsis availablefromyourRaytheonstockist Drillthewheelasshownandsecuretheclampbracketswiththenylock nutsprovided Fittingthe pedesta...

Страница 75: ...burrsandfit theplastic cap supplied over thecutend 3 Slidethewheelforwardandplacethepinendwiththeplasticcapin Slot1ifmountingtheactuatoronanunobstructedpedestal Themotorwillbeasshowninthefirstdiagram...

Страница 76: ...hthepinmidwayin theslot carefullymarkroundthebrackettorecorditsposition 5 Removethewheel repositionthebracketonthepedestalandmark aroundtheinsideoftherighthandsideslottedholes 6 Removethebracket Drill...

Страница 77: ...tlytightenallfourmountingscrews 11 Replacethewheel makingsurethepinlocatesinthecorrectslot 12 Turnthewheeltoconfirmthebracketiscorrectlypositioned Ifthe wheelisbentorthewheeldriveisoffcentre thepinwil...

Страница 78: ...motor gearboxtubemaybeneeded D160 Cabling Thedriveactuator issuppliedwith4 5 m 15 ft of twocorecable 1 Routethecablethroughthepedestal or guardrail andbacktothe controlhead Onpedestals routethecabledo...

Страница 79: ...rol head and connect to the Driveterminals Theactuatorissuppliedwithawaterproofplug fittedtotherearofthegearboxtube Thisallowsthewheeland actuatortoberemovedformaintenance storageandleavesthe cabling...

Страница 80: ...bleslaterinthis chapterdefinetheamountbywhichmeasurementAisincreased DimensionB 460 mm 18 in rudderstockcentrelineto tillerpin 1 Clampthetillerontheyachtcentrelineandmarkoffdimensions A and B Ais meas...

Страница 81: ...oldimensions theST4000Plusactuator canusuallybemounteddirectlyontothe cockpitseat Tiller pininstallation Part No D001 1 Drill6 mm 1 4 in holex25 mm 1 in deepatpointmarked 2 Usingatwopartepoxy e g Aral...

Страница 82: ...aredrilledtocorrectsizeand wherenecessary reinforcing is provided Installationaccessories Ifitisnotpossibletoinstallthedriveunitdirectlyontothecockpitseat or tiller as described one of the following a...

Страница 83: ...tablishcontroldimensions AandB 2 Markthepositionofthecentresofthetwofixingboltholes 3 Drilltwo6 mm 0 25 in diameterclearanceholesthroughthe centrelineofthetiller 4 Installthetillerbracketusingtwo6 mm...

Страница 84: ...C hapter6 Installation 71...

Страница 85: ...ing 1 Clampthetillerontheyachtcentreline 2 MeasuredimensionF actual 3 Refertothetabletoestablishacuttinglengthforcantileverrod doublecheckmeasurementsbeforecutting 4 Cutthecantileverrodtolength Lusing...

Страница 86: ...ameterboltswith nutsandwashers Makesurethebackingplateisinstalledcorrectly bedtheflangeonathincoatofsiliconesealant 2 Screwtherodfirmlyintoplaceusingatommybar 3 Roughen the end of the rod and inside t...

Страница 87: ...ngtheautohelmactuatoris horizontal 4 Selectthepedestalsocketassemblyfromthetableshown Installation 1 Markthepositionofthemountingflangeonthecockpitseat counter 2 EnsurethatcontroldimensionsAandBarecor...

Страница 88: ...t No S mall threadedtillerpin 25mm 1 00in D014 E xtralengthtillerpin 72mm 2 80in D020 E xtralengththreadedtillerpin 72mm 2 80in D021 Cablingandsocket installation Theactuator isconnectedtothecontrolhe...

Страница 89: ...lation 1 Applythetemplatetothebulkhead 2 Carefullydrillan18 mm 23 32 in clearanceholeandtwo 2 4 mm 3 32 in pilotholes Removethetemplate 3 Fittheplugcaptothesocketbody 4 Fit theO ring 3 to thegroovebet...

Страница 90: ...arintervals usingcable clamps 6 7NMEAinterface ST4000PluswillacceptnavigationdataintheNMEAformatforusein Track and Vane WindTrim modes The required data formats are showninthetableattheendofthissectio...

Страница 91: ...entyouwill needtoinstallaSeaTalkInterface CatalogueNumberZ290 DataFormats The following NMEA0183 wind and navigation data can be decoded by the ST4000 Plus Data NMEA0183 C ourseOverGround VTG R MC R M...

Страница 92: ...reused thelastfour charactersmustbeuniquetoenablethewaypointadvancefunctionto work Transmissionof NMEAdata onSeaTalk If anyof theaboveNMEAdataisreceivedandtheequivalentdatais notpresentonSeaTalk theau...

Страница 93: ...80 S T4000P lusWheel TillerAutopilotsOwner sHandbook...

Страница 94: ...rationandchecktheruddergain Furthercustomisationcanbeperformedaftertheseatrial asdescribed in Chapter5 7 1Functional test Switchon HavinginstalledyourST4000Plusautopilot switchonthemainpower breaker I...

Страница 95: ...ckthe operatingsenseasfollows 1 WheelPilot Engagetheclutchlever TillerPilot Placetheactuatoroverthetillerpin Ifnecessary extendorretractthepushrodusingthe 1 1 10or 10keys Extending and Retracting the...

Страница 96: ...aPages These areXTE BTWandDTW Pressdisptodisplaythe first page andcheckthattheexpecteddatais displayed Pressdispagaintocheckeachsuccessivepage If dashes are displayed instead of data values the cause...

Страница 97: ...aNODATAerrormessage SeaTalk interface IftheST4000hasbeenlinkedtootherSeaTalkinstrumentsvia SeaTalk thelinkcanbecheckedasfollows 1 Pressstandby 2 Selectdisplayilluminationlevel3onanyotherSeaTalkinstru...

Страница 98: ...ached 3 Drivesthewheelhardtoportuntiltheendstopisreached 4 Centresthehelm halfwaybetweenthetworecordedlimits and beepstoconfirmcompletion WARNING Thisprocedureshouldonlybeusedwhenthevesselisatthe dock...

Страница 99: ...is displayed To step back to the previous screen press and hold thedispkey for one second You canonlydothiswithintwosecondsofadvancingtothecurrent screen D3449 1 4 To start the procedure press the 1ke...

Страница 100: ...isplay Therudderangleshouldbewithin 7 of centre 3 Toimprovethealignment slackentherudderreferencemounting bolts and rotate the base until the reported rudder angle is as close tozeroaspossible Thentig...

Страница 101: ...medinthefollowing circumstances Afteralltheinstallation functionaltestanddocksideprocedures havebeencompletedsuccessfully Beforeanyotherchangeshavebeenmadetothedefaultcalibration settings checkand ifn...

Страница 102: ...tbecarriedoutincalmconditionsandpreferablyinflat water Toperformthedeviationcorrection 1 MakesurethattheautopilotisinStandbymodewiththedriveunit engaged 2 Press and hold the standbykey for 2 seconds t...

Страница 103: ...oquickly If you turn the boat too quickly for thecompasstobecorrected correctly thetextTOOF AS Twillbedisplayed Applylesshelmto turninalargercircle D3452 1 TOO FAST CanI cancel theprocess You can abor...

Страница 104: ...ndtheDeviation screenisdisplayed D3458 1 DEVIATION Thisshowsthemaximumdeviationdetected andindicatesthat compasscorrectionhasbeencompletedsuccessfully Notes Ifthedeviationvalueexceeds15 oradeviationva...

Страница 105: ...fewdegrees thatwillvarydependingontheheading Ideally youshouldchecktheheadingreadingagainstanumberof knownheadings plotadeviationcurve anddeterminetheheading alignmentvaluethatwillgivethelowestaverage...

Страница 106: ...ials However vesselscanvarywidelyintheirresponsetothe helm andfurtheradjustmenttotheruddergainmayimprovethe autopilot ssteeringcharacteristics Thefollowingtestwilldeterminewhethertheruddergainissettoo...

Страница 107: ...hen press 1or 1tochangethelevel Waitfor 5seconds or pressdisp to return to thepreviousdisplay 3 Repeatthetestuntilacrispcoursechangewithnomore5 of overshootisachieved Theruddercontrolsettingshouldbese...

Страница 108: ...werisbeingsuppliedtotheequipment AlwaysreportanyEMCrelatedproblemtoyournearestRaytheon dealer Wewilluseanysuchinformationtoimproveourquality standards Advice Shouldanydifficultiesarisewiththisproduct...

Страница 109: ...96 S T4000P lusWheel TillerAutopilotsOwner sHandbook...

Страница 110: ...cted for deviation carry out the deviationandalignmentprocedures Vessel turnsslowly andtakesa longtimetocomeonto course Ruddergaintoolow Vessel overshootswhenturningontoanew course Ruddergaintoohigh T...

Страница 111: ...not autoadvance tothe next waypoint Nobearingtowaypointinformationreceivedfromthenavigator Aseriesof rotatingdashesaredisplayedonscreen Compassdeviationcorrectionor docksiderudder calibrationis runni...

Страница 112: ...mode 24 AutoTrim Default setting 44 B Bar graph 4 C Cabling 95 Calibration 35 46 Calibration lock 42 Changing course 6 Clutch operation 5 Code number 33 CodeLock 31 34 Compass alignment 91 Compass dev...

Страница 113: ...0 Vane mode 23 Drive Stopped alarm 28 Drive type 45 E Engaging the autopilot 5 F Fault finding 97 Functional test 81 82 G Graph use 37 H Heading 7 Heading alignment 37 Heading alignment adjustment 92...

Страница 114: ...alarm 28 O Off Course alarm 9 Default angle 43 Operating modes 1 Operating sense 82 P Performance 26 Pilot type 42 Previous heading 7 R Response level 26 Default setting 43 Rudder bar 37 Rudder calib...

Страница 115: ...operation 92 Testing the system 81 82 Tidal stream compensation 18 Track mode 15 Turn limit 43 U User Setup 35 V Vane mode 21 22 Variation 45 Version number 33 W Watch alarm 29 Waypoint arrival and a...

Страница 116: ...DRILL TWO 2 4MM 3 32IN DIAMETER HOLES DRILL ONE 18MM 23 32IN DIAMETER HOLE PLUG TEMPLATE D3441 1 Machine hole 90mm 3 54in diameter Drill 5mm 3 16in Drill 5mm 3 16in...

Страница 117: ......

Страница 118: ...drivebelts radarmixercrystals diodes snap inimpellercarriers impellers impellerbearings andimpellershaft arespecificallyexcludedfrom thisWarranty Magnetrons CathodeRayTubes CRT hailerhornsandtransduce...

Страница 119: ...sasabove United Statesof America R aytheonMarineC ompany Tel 603 647 7530 R ecreational P roducts F ax 603 634 4756 676IslandP ondR oad Manchester NH03109 5420 U S A UK Europe Middle East Far East R a...
