Channels All available US,International and Canada VHF Marine band
Frequency Stability +/- 10PPM(+/- 0.001%)
to +50
Frequency Range 156.025 to 157.425MHz
Channel Spacing 25 kHz Increments
Power Output 25 Watts switchable to 1 Watt into 50 Ohms at 13.6 VDC
Modulation Frequency modulated 16F3
(+/-4.5kHz at 1000Hz)
Modulation Audio Response Shall not vary +1/-3 dB from true 6 dB pre-emphasis from 300
to 2500Hz, reference 1000Hz. Audio frequencies 3-20 kHz
shall be attenuated(at 1 kHz by 60 log f/3 dB. Above 20kHz
by 50dB)
FM Hum & Noise level Less than –40dB below audio
Audio Distortion Less than 10% at 1kHz for 3kHz deviation
Spurious & Homonic Attenuated at least 43+10log Po(below ratd radiated carrier
Emissions power) per FCC Rules Part 2 & 80
Antenna Impedance 50 Ohm
Transmitter Protection Shall survive open or short circuit of anttena system without
damage(10 min.test)