-. When 16/9 key is pressed, Alerm 1 is heard and Scan operation will stop and then Priority CH
will be in use.
Stop monitor mode
Switch to
Priority CH
-. Even if the Channel Selection knob is operated,there is no change.
1.3.12 The operation for Weather Alert detection(Alert Tone : 1050 Hz)
Alert detection checks the output power from Alert detection IC as following timing.
100msec 10msec 25msec
0 2 4 6 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
-. When the alert is ready to be detected(when the carrier is detected), the detection
will start to be checked after 100msec.
-. The detection is checked 11 times per every 10msec and then the detection is
checked 8 times per every 25msec. If the alert is detected at all the checking points,
it means that Weather Alert can be detected.
The detection are checked with timing changed during total 300msec.
-. If none of detection is detected between 0 and 18 with the above timing, re-start at
first 100msec.
-. If the alerts are not detected at some of the above timing between 0 and 18,the
following scanning will be done.
When alert tone is detected at Tri Watch monitor, “WX” display flashes every
sec and Alarm 3 is heard for 5 seconds.