SeaTalkng ® cables
Only used approved SeaTalkng ® cabling
For a list of SeaTalkng ® cables and adaptors please refer to:
p.50 — SeaTalkng ® cables and accessories
4.6 SeaTalk connection
The p70s and p70Rs can be used to control older SeasTalk ® autopilot systems. Connections to a
SeasTalk ® network are made using a SeasTalk ® to SeasTalkng ® adaptor cable (not supplied).
p70s / p70Rs Pilot controller (p70s shown)
2. SeaTalk ® course computer (supplying 12 V dc to devices connected to the SeaTalk ® network.)
SeaTalk ® to SeaTalkng ® adaptor cable (A06047)
SeaTalk ® connector block.
4.7 NMEA 2000 connection
The p70s and p70Rs can be used to control a compatible NMEA 2000 autopilot system. Connections
to a NMEA 2000 network are made using a SeasTalkng ® to DeviceNet adaptor cable (not supplied).
The NMEA 2000 autopilot system must support the same NMEA 2000 PGN messages as the p70s
/ p70Rs. Refer to the supported PGN list:
p.57 — Supported NMEA 2000 PGN list