0049-3400-xxx HIDEX HXIIxxTy – USER’S GUIDE 08/18/2010
Rev. C
Page 9
Leased Line Modem Setup for HXII56TM
First, always set the terminal data speed to something below the modems transmit speed i.e.
Terminal speed set to 9600 bps and modems connect at 32 Kbps. This is to prevent the modems
buffers from over running.
Next, set the following AT commands and store into NVRAM. Here is an example of Originate
and Answer settings.
ATQ0%C0E0\N1&D0&K0&L1&W. This is the string for the Originate modem (the one that
supplies constant carrier.)
ATQ0%C0E0\N1&D0&K0&L2&W. This is the string for the Answer modem. (the one that
handshakes with the carrier.)
The only difference is the command &L1 or &L2. L1 is originate L2 is answer.
The breakdown of the commands are all prefaced with the AT command:
= disable result codes
%C0 = disable data compression
= disable command echo
= direct mode (no error correction)
&D0 = DTR control – ignores true status of DTR and responds as if it is always on.
&K0 = Disable flow control
&L1 = Leased line Originate mode.(&L2 is Answer mode setting)
= Stores settings to NVRAM
These settings will auto connect in about 60 seconds after a power failure on either modem or a
telephone line disconnect/reconnect cycle.
If you connect both modems to the proper terminal and remote panels and they don’t connect the
first time, remove the RS232 cables and jumper pins 4, 6 & 20 together. Connect only the three
leads, 2, 3 & 7 to the modem or terminal connectors.
Even though we have disabled the DTR control and Flow control the modems still want to see
DTR, DSR and RTS connections. That is the reason for the jumpers being installed.