0049-3400-xxx HIDEX HXIIxxTy – USER’S GUIDE 08/18/2010
Rev. C
Page 7
Hardware Setup
Setup Procedure:
Use an RS-232 cable to connect the DB25 connector (J1) on the modem to a PC serial
Port (Typically COM1).
Connect the RJ11 connector to a phone line.
Connect external power +5VDC to the power jack or via alternate DB25 pins 10 & 7.
See the Power Connections section to ensure correct connector polarity and power select
switch position.
Hyper Terminal Setup
The modem can be tested as a standard serial data modem by connecting it to a personal
computer or other data terminal equipment (DTE). Any standard terminal program such as
HyperTerminal or ProComm running on a PC will communicate with the modem.
AT Commands
AT refers to the command prefix (attention sequence) that precedes each command to the
modem. With the exception of A/ all commands must be preceded by AT and end with a carriage
return <return>. Some useful AT commands commonly used are:
The A/ command instructs the modem to repeat the last command line. A command line
termination character is not required for the execution of this command (that is, the command is
executed as soon as the slash is typed).