Wuhan Raycus Fiber Laser Technologies Co., Ltd.
User Guide of RFL-P500
5.3 Attention in the process of operation
The repetition frequency range of the laser should not exceed 10-50 kHZ.
Do not adjust the laser repetition frequency during marking.
Turn OFF the laser until the power to zero, then turn off the laser power
supply, and finally turn off the water cooler.
Common Alarms and solutions
The instructions and possible solutions of alarms are as follows:
Table 10 Error instructions and possible solutions
Potential factors
Preventive measure
Low temperature/high temperature alarm of
the laser.
A high-temperature / low-temperature error
occurs when the temperature at the
monitoring point exceeds the set upper /
lower limit.
Check whether the water-cooling
system is normally working, the
water temperature is set correctly,
and also the water connection is
correct. When the water cooling
system works normally and the
water temperature drops below
30°C, restart the laser. If the alarm
continues, please contact Raycus.
Low temperature alarm,.
Check whether the actual water
temperature of the water is too low.
temperature may also cause a low
temperature alarm when the laser is
cold. Please wait until the water
temperature of the water rises
above 10°C and then restrate the
divice. If the alarm continues,
please contact Raycus.
Please press the LASER button after
turning on the key switch for 10 seconds,
otherwise the laser will alarm.
The laser alarm can be removed by
restarting the laser alarm.
The emergency stop button was not
released before the laser came out will
result the laser alarm
Make sure that the emergency stop
button is released before the laser
goes out (it can be rotated
clockwise, if it is pressed before
rotation, it can be released by
clockwise rotation of about 1 to 2
circles), then re-energize and the
alarm signal is released.