RG55T-R Operation • Service • Maintenance
& F
Engine Oil
During the initial break-in period, the engine will consume more oil than usual. Check the engine oil level daily.
See the
Engine Operator Manual
for engine lubricating oil specifications.
See the
Engine Operator Manual
for engine fuel specifications.
Hydraulic Oil
(Petroleum-Mineral Base)
Your machine is filled at the factory with Conoco Megaflow AW HVI 46 Hydraulic Fluid. This oil is formulated to provide the proper operating
characteristics in a wide range of climates. When refilling, always use Conoco Megaflow AW HVI 46 or one of the recommended brands below.
Failure to use the proper hydraulic oil can lower performance and shorten the life of critical components.
different types of hydraulic
Oil specifications address the following concerns
• High-temperature viscosity
• Low-temperature flow properties
• Viscosity lifespan
• High-pressure wear characteristics
• Filterability
• Multi-metal compatibility in the presence of water
We recommend the following hydraulic oils for your machine:
Conoco-Phillips MegaFlow AW HVI 46
……….…..Viscosity 7.7 cSt @ 100°C / 46 cSt @ 40°C / Pour Point -45°C (-49°F)
Shell Tellus T 46
(new name:
Tellus S2 V46
)…....Viscosity 7.95 cSt @ 100°C / 45.9 cSt @ 40°C / Pour Point -42°C (-43°F)
Mobil DTE 15M
…………………………………………Viscosity 7.8 cSt @ 100°C / 46 cSt @ 40°C / Pour Point -42°C (-43°F)
Exxon Univis N 46
…………………………………….Viscosity 8.2 cSt @ 100°C / 46 cSt @ 40°C / Pour Point -48°C (-54°F)
Pennzoil Pennzbell AWX MV 46
………………….…Viscosity 8.8 cSt @ 100°C / 46.3 cSt @ 40°C / Pour Point -48°C ( -54°F)
If choosing an oil other than those recommended above, the following specifications should be used:
• Kinematic Viscosity: 7 cSt (
) @ 100°C / 42-50 cSt @ 40°C
• Pour point: -35° F (-37° C) or colder
• Viscosity stabilizers, excellent resistance to viscosity breakdown (shear).
• Anti-wear, Anti-foam formulation, for use in all pump types at all pressures.
• Low-zinc additives; zinc levels should not exceed .08% of total weight
Clean hydraulic oil is critical to achieve high performance and get long life from your hydraulic system. The oil and filter should be changed in
accordance with the instructions contained in the “Maintenance Intervals” section of your manual. The hydraulic oil should be changed immediately if it
appears dirty or smells burnt.
Biodegradable Hydraulic Oil
Panolin HLP Synthetic Ester Base VG46 is the only approved Bio-Degradable Hydraulic oil for this machine. All mineral base oils must be
completely drained out of system and components before refilling with Panolin HLP Synthetic VG46 Bio-degradable oil.
Panolin HLP Synthetic Ester VG46
.………………….Viscosity 8.1 cSt @ 100°C / 47 cSt @ 40°C / Pour Point -57°C (-70°F)