RG13II Operation • Maintenance • Parts
Serial Number Location & Information
Serial Numbers Location
Whenever communicating with Rayco or your Rayco dealer,
have your machine serial number handy, as it can help
pinpoint most exactly what information is needed in caring
for your machine.
Breakdown of the serial number
For Example:RG13II 001 01 14
MWF13II - Type of Rayco equipment you have
001 - Three digit for the number of produced
01 - Two digit month, 01 = Jan., 02 = Feb., etc...
14 - Two digit year, 14 = 2014, 15 = 2015, etc
It is attached to the machine at the location shown. For
ready reference, record it in the boxes provided on the
inside front cover of this manual.
For reference on communication regarding the engine,
record its model and serial numbers also in the boxes
provided on the inside front cover of this manual. See the
Engine Operator Manual for assistance in locating the
numbers on the engine.
Type of Rayco Equipment
001= The three digit number of produced
Production Date; 01=2 digit month; 14= 2 digit year