4.Installing SCSI Utility
7. a. If you have selected IBM-PC/AT FDISK Format at step 6, the message box saying [You should
create partition next] appears. Click OK. You will see the screen shown at step 5. Select
Create partition from the Edit menu to create partition.
You will see the screen below. Select File System from the list box and set Partition size, using the
slider bar. Then, click OK.
b. If you have selected Super FD Format at step 6, you will see a screen similar to the following.
Select File System from the list box.
Slider bar
If you select FAT32 in [File System], MS-DOS/Windows 3.1, Windows NT can not access to the
FAT32 media.
8. To take efect, restart your computer or take the CB32U out and into the slot.