The RATIO iDive is 100% compatible with the program for gathering data DAN DL7 of DSL Level 5
The DAN DL7 is a format owned by DAN, which summarizes all necessary information which are
needed for the studies, arranging them to be sent directly to DAN Europe’s central database.
All these data include, besides the diving profile, also information relating to the diver (fitness
excercices, the medicines he/she ingested etc) and to the dive itself (possible problems, thermal
conditions etc).
Contributing to the data gathering is easy: you just have to fill in all fields relating to the program DAN DSL (Diving Safety
Laboratory) inside the Divelogger, export them in the format DAN DL7 and send them by e-mail to:
Give your diving profiles to the Research!
The profile of a dive made with a self breathing device contains extremely important information, such as the time spent in
the depth, the ascent speed, how many dives enter in decompression, how many dives contain deep stops etc.
Giving our own diving profiles to the Research means to give a great help to DAN’s scientists who, with great dedication
and passion, are trying to render the diving activity more and more safe.
Unless you send your data, neither the RATIO iDive nor the Divelogger will send anything automatically.