F1 Bell
We have used a new bell recording for our rebuilt GMD-1. We watched hours of foot-
age and came to the conclusion that the bell ring rate is firmly set to “whatever.” Every
engine had a different bell ring rate. We chose a nice one.
F2 Horn
Since our first GMD-1 release we have improved the horn file to make it easier to do
a short “toot” without having a long tail off. To get a short “toot” just tap F2 or your
“HORN” button. If you hear a long tail-off you are tapping for too long. If, no matter
what you do, you just can’t get the darn thing to make a short “toot,” switch to NCE.
F3 Curve Squeal
This is a new sound for a Rapido model, but appropriate for these hard-working road
switchers. Press F3 for curve squeal. If your DCC system supports latching on F3, the
curve squeal will continue as long as F3 is pressed. If not, you need to press once to turn
on the squeal and press again to turn it off.
F4 Full Throttle
ESU’s “Full Throttle” feature allows you to play the prime mover of your GMD-1 like a
musical instrument. When you press F4, you turn on “drive hold.” This keeps the speed
of the engine constant at whatever speed step your throttle happens to be on. Then as
you increase the throttle, you hear the prime mover revving up. This allows you to simu-
late hauling a heavy load. On the prototype the prime mover would be up at 7 or 8
while the engine is moving slowly. If you want to recreate the “straight to 8” feature of
our older GMD-1 models, just crank up the throttle really quickly.
“Full Throttle” is even neater when you throttle down, as it allows you to simulate “coast-
ing” which is such an important part of running a real train. When you press F4 again
you turn off “Full Throttle” and the engine will accelerate or decelerate to whatever
speed step your throttle happens to be on. For realism it’s a good idea to take note of
what speed step your throttle was on when you turned on “Full Throttle” and be back at
that speed step when you turn “Full Throttle” off. Otherwise your GMD-1 may fly like a
F5 Slow Doppler Horn
This is another new feature on our Rebuilt GMD-1. The Doppler recording on our first
release was of a clapped-out M3H and it sounded a bit awful. So we have sourced a
K3L recorded on a moving locomotive doing about 30MPH.
F6 Ditch Lights
These do exactly what you would expect. F6 turns them on. F6 turns them off. The ditch
lights are directional. If you are approaching a station or an oncoming train you can
turn off the ditch lights and dim the headlights automatically by pressing F7. You don’t
want to blind anyone. See F7 Dim Lights.