engine with your throttle, your locomotive still thinks F8 is pressed so it will keep idling
along. However, if someone else selects your locomotive’s number and F8 isn’t pressed
on his or her controller, the GMD-1 will promptly shut down. He or she will need to press
F8 again.
“She?” you ask. “You mean there are female model railroaders?” Well, yes. We have
at least three female customers. We’re keen to increase that number, so the next bit of
this manual is a “women’s interest” section specially tailored for the women who have
bought this locomotive.
F0 Headlights
F14 Number Boards
F1 Bell
F15 Brake
F2 Horn
F20 Sarco Valve (Spitter) - Slow
F3 Curve Squeal
F21 Sarco Valve (Spitter) - Fast
F4 Full Throttle
F22 Sarco After Shutdown
F5 Doppler Horn - Slow
F23 Brake Set/Release
F6 Ditch Lights
F7 Dim the Headlights
F8 Startup/Mute/Shutdown
F9 Class Lights - Front
F10 Class Lights - Rear
F11 Doppler Horn - Fast
F12 Switching Mode