The following should be complete before applying power to the driver:
SVR2 has been gently rotated counter-clockwise until it stops (set to minimum current)
DIM+ and DIM- wires on driver are connected to a dimmer
Dimmer is set to 100% brightness (10VDC MAX)
Multimeter is turned on and set up to measure current
Multimeter is wired into LED string as if it were an LED
Once all of the above have been completed, power the driver and rotate SVR2 clockwise until the
readout on the multimeter displays the desired output current for 100% brightness. In the below
photos, the current begins at .25A, or 250mA. SVR2 was rotated clockwise until the desired maximum
current, .75A, or 750mA. In our example, we wired our probes backwards, thus the – sign. When
measuring current, you can ignore the – sign because we are only interested in the absolute amount of
current flowing through the LED string. Switching the multimeter leads around would have would have
flipped the sign around to +(no sign) in this example.
Now that you have set the current on your driver by rotating SVR2, un-plug the driver, replace the
cover, and re-wire your LED string.