1. Safety Precautions
Safety Matters
Please refer to all safety precautions covered in this user manual
to prevent injury or damage.
This product contains a rechargeable lithium-ion battery. All safety
precautions should be taken into consideration when handling or
operating any type of device that is powered by a battery such as
this product. Do not drop, heat, crush & submerge this product in
water. Do not operate this device in extreme humidity, heat or cold
environments for long periods of time. Misuse of this device may
cause injury and will void the device’s warranty.
Attention to traffc safety
Do not operate or attempt to operate this device while
driving or operating any moving vehicle.
Aircraft Safety
Please do not operate or attempt to operate this device
while on board an aircraft. that may cause interference
with the aircrafts operations and communications devices.
Combustible Agents and Chemicals
Please turn the device off while around fuel or any
combustible agents or chemicals.
Turn off this device in the hospital
Please do not operate or attempt to operate This device in a
hospital. Doing so may cause interference with medical
operations and communications devices. As all wireless
devices, this product may interfere with implanted cardiac
pacemakers, hearing aids and other Medical implant