ImportInG and
pLayInG muSIc
ImportInG your muSIc
The easiest way to load music into your library is
by using the import button:
1. Click on the import button to open the import
panel. The left side of this window displays
various locations on your computer hard drive
(and external drives if you have one). Click on
these locations to navigate your computer and
find your music.
By default, your music will usually be found in
either “Music” (Mac) or “My Music” (Windows).
2. Once you have located your music, drag
the folder or files you want to import onto the
purple “All...” icon. This is located to the left of
your screen at the top of the crates and playlist
If you wish to import all of your music, just
drag your whole music folder onto this icon.
tIp: you can also import by dragging files
and folders directly from Windows explorer
(pc version) or finder (mac version) into the
Scratch LIve library.
Supported fILe typeS
Scratch LIVE supports fixed and variable bit rate
.MP3, Ogg Vorbis, AAC, .AIFF, and .WAV file
types. M3U playlists are also supported.
note: itunes music Store drm files cannot
be played back by Scratch LIve.
pLayInG muSIc
Click on the
all… icon to show all the tracks
in your library. Use the keyboard shortcut Shift
- Left Arrow to load the highlighted track on to
the left deck, and Shift - Right Arrow to load the
highlighted track on to the right deck.
tIp: you can also load tracks to decks using
the mouse. click and drag a track from the
track list area on to either deck.
track dISpLay
When a track is loaded, the track name, artist
and length are displayed in the track title bar,
and the Virtual Deck shows a solid black line.
If the track has BPM information written in the
tag this will also be displayed.
See: Set auto-bpm (paGe 12)