Basic Operation
Quick Start Guide 1312.6808.62 ─ 02
3.5 Calibration
A source power calibration for an external test set requires an appropriate external power
meter, to be connected to the converter's 1 mm test port connector. The power meter is
configured in the ordinary way using the "System Configuration > External Power
Meters" tab.
In the low frequency domain below approx. 50 GHz, power calibration can be performed
in the usual way; refer to your analyzer's help system for details.
In the high frequency domain above approx. 50 GHz, the output power of the external
test set can be varied manually (at the converter) only, therefore the standard source
power calibration eliminating frequency response errors in the signal path between the
source and the reference plane (external power meter) is not possible.
A power calibration of the reference receiver (a-wave) using an appropriate external
power meter, however, is possible and recommended for measurements concerning the
wave quantities a and b. Proceed as follows:
1. Ensure that the output power of the frequency converter is not attenuated (adjust the
knurled knob at the top of the converter to 2 mm).
2. Connect the power meter to the 1 mm test port connector of the external test set and
open the "Channel > Calibration > Start Power Cal > Source Power Cal" dialog.
3. Click "Modify Settings" and disable "Flatness Cal", leaving "Reference Receiver
Cal" checked.
4. Start the calibration sweep.
This power calibration procedure ensures a reasonable accuracy of the reference power
readings over a wide range of converter output powers (i.e. even if the adjusting screw
is used to reduce the powers). A receiver power calibration of the b-waves (without