VNA GUI reference
User Manual 1178.5966.02 ─ 19
The bandfilter search functions are available for the transformed trace.
If marker coupling is active, then the markers in the time domain and in the fre-
quency domain are coupled with each other.
The analyzer places no restriction on the measured quantities to be transformed into
the time domain. Impedances and admittances are first converted back into the equiva-
lent S-parameter, transformed, and restored after the transformation.
See also
Chapter, "Chirp z-transformation"
Remote command:
Selects a band pass or low pass time domain transform. See
To calculate a low pass transform, the sweep points must be on a harmonic grid. Oth-
erwise the analyzer can only calculate an approximate result and generates a warning.
"Low Pass Settings..." opens a dialog that allows to establish or change a harmonic
grid (not available for memory traces). See
Chapter, "Low Pass Settings dia-
Remote command:
Impulse Response
Selects a window type which the R&S
ZNL/ZNLE uses to filter the trace in the fre-
quency domain. The drop-down list shows the impulse response of a constant trace
over a finite sweep range (i.e. a rectangular function) that was filtered using the differ-
ent available window types. The selected window is applied to the active trace.
See also
Chapter, "Windows in the frequency domain"
The frequency domain window is used to filter the trace before transforming it to
the time domain. An independent "Time Gate" can be used after the transformation to
eliminate unwanted responses (see
Chapter 10.6.6, "Time Gate tab"
The analyzer always uses a "No Profiling (Rectangle)" window to calculate the time-
gated frequency domain trace, see
"Time-gated frequency domain trace"
Remote command:
Side Lobe Level
Defines the side lobe suppression for an "Arbitrary Sidelobes (Dolph-Chebychev)" win-
dow. The entered value is the ratio of the power of the central lobe to the power of the
first side lobe in dB.
Remote command:
Trace softtool