VNA GUI reference
User Manual 1178.5966.02 ─ 19
You can change to point based x-axis to improve the display of a segmented fre-
quency sweep (see
Remote command:
ZNL only!
In a "Power" sweep, the internal generator power is swept in dB-linear, equidistant
steps over a continuous power range. The generator power range (sweep range) and
the fixed frequency can be specified in the "Stimulus" settings (see
"Power" sweeps are particularly suitable for the analysis of non-linear effects (satura-
tion, compression) on active and passive DUTs (e.g. power amplifiers, mixers).
In a Cartesian diagram, the measurement result is displayed as a trace over a dB-lin-
ear power scale. The following example shows a "Power" sweep in the source power
range between
25 dBm and 0 dBm, performed at a CW frequency of 1 GHz.
Any generator power calibration is included.
Remote command:
CW Mode
sweeps, are performed at constant frequency and stim-
ulus power, which can be specified in the "Stimulus" settings (see
Sweep Softtool