GUI reference
User Manual 1173.9163.02 ─ 62
Controls in the Calibration Kits dialog
Connector Type
The "Connector Type" table displays the available cal kit connector types. Select a row
in this table to get the list of
Remote command:
Available Cal Kits
Displays the cal kits for the selected
If option K50 "Measurement Uncertainty Analysis" is installed, the "KitModified" column
is replaced by an "Uncertainty" column, indicating whether the kits contains uncertainty
information for all its calibration standards.
Remote command:
Add / Copy / Delete / Standards...
The buttons in the right part of the dialog are used to manage calibration kits:
"Add" creates a cal kit file for the selected connector type.
"Copy" creates a cal kit file based on the contents of an existing cal kit file.
"Delete" deletes an imported or user-defined cal kit file.
"Standards..." opens the "Kit Standards" dialog, which shows the contents of the
cal kit file. For user-defined or imported kits, you can modify the contents. See
Remote command:
The following commands create and modify calibration kits:
Cal softtool