Concepts and features
User Manual 1173.9163.02 ─ 62
The type of each trace in a diagram is indicated in the trace list: "MEM<no>" at the
beginning of the trace name indicates a memory trace (with default naming), Math at
the end of the trace label indicates a mathematical trace. You can also hide a trace
("Invisible") without deleting it.
Trace list and trace settings
The main properties of all traces assigned to the diagram are displayed in the trace list
in the upper part of the diagram.
Each line in the trace list describes a single trace. The active trace is highlighted
("Trc5" in the example above). The lines are divided into several sections with the fol-
lowing contents (from left to right):
trace name
appears in the first section. The default names for new traces are
Trc<n> with n automatically selected. A "Mem..." at the beginning of the trace
name indicates a memory trace (default naming). To change the trace names,
open the "Trace Manager" from any trace name segment's context menu.
measured quantity
(e.g. an S-parameter or a ratio) appears on a colored
background. The source port for wave quantities and ratios is indicated in brackets.
section shows how the measured data is presented in the graphical
display. Use the context menu of the format section to change the format of the
related trace.
The next sections show the value of the vertical or radial diagram divisions ("Scale
Div.") and the reference value ("Ref").
section shows the channel that each trace is assigned to. It is omitted
if the all traces in the diagram are assigned to the same channel.
section indicates "Invisible" if a trace is hidden and Math if the trace is a
mathematical trace. "Gat" indicates that a time gate is active for the trace. Use the
"Mem Math" and "Traces" tabs of the "Trace Config" softtool to display and hide
data and memory traces, and to define mathematical traces.
If multiple DUTs are configured (R&S
measurements on multiple DUTs"
on page 94), the label is extended by an addi-
tional section indicating the
measured quantity from the related DUT's perspec-
. The section contains the DUT's assigned name and the measured quantity
expressed using the DUT's logical port numbers, separated by a colon.
In the example above, we have a DUT named "DUT_2", whose logical ports 2 and
1 are connected to the logical analyzer ports 6 and 5, respectively. The S
the VNA perspective corresponds to S
from the DUT's perspective.
Screen elements