Preparing for Use
Getting Started 1418.2070.02 ─ 08
Linux Operating System
The instrument uses an embedded Linux operating system, optimally adapted to
the instrument.
Accessing the operating system
No access to the operating system is required for normal operation.
All necessary system settings can be made in the "Setup" dialog.
Connecting an External PC and Devices
As a rule, the R&S
SGU is operated exclusively via remote control on a connec-
ted PC. Another way to control the instrument is the manual operation via the
R&S SGMA-GUI software on the connected PC.
Both the remote control and the manual operation of the instrument require an
external controller. For the prerequisites and the instructions on how to configure
an external controller for remote control, refer to the user manual. A brief intro-
duction to the remote control capabilities is provided in
This section gives an introduction on how to configure the external PC for manual
operation (see
Chapter 2.3.1, "Installing the R&S SGMA-GUI Software"
In addition to connecting an external controller, it may be useful to connect other
external devices, e.g. a memory stick. The following interfaces are provided on
the rear panel of the instrument, see also
Chapter 3.2, "Rear Panel Tour"
PCI Express (refer to
Chapter 2.3.3, "Connecting a Controller via PCI
USB interface (refer to
Chapter 2.3.4, "Connecting a Controller or a USB
LAN interface (refer to
Chapter 2.3.2, "Connecting a Remote PC via LAN"
Connecting an External PC and Devices