Preparing for Use
Getting Started 1418.2070.02 ─ 08
2. To turn the power off, press the main power switch to position 0 (Off).
None of the front-panel LEDs should be on.
Function Check
The instrument automatically monitors the main functions when it is switched on
and monitors them continuously during operation.
A detected fault is indicated by an "Error" message displayed in the info line of
the R&S SGMA-GUI together with a brief error description. For an in-depth identi-
fication of the error, press the "SGMA-GUI > Info" button. In response, a descrip-
tion of the errors is displayed. For more information, refer to the "Error Messages"
section in the user manual.
Default Settings
When the instrument is switched on, it is not the preset state that is active, but
rather the instrument state that was set before the instrument was switched off. It
is recommended that you use the "SGMA-GUI > Instrument > Preset" function to
return the instrument to its defined preset state every time a new configuration is
required or the current setup is no longer relevant.
The R&S
SGU offers a two-stage preset concept:
Preset the instrument to a predefined state
The "SGMA-GUI > Instrument Name > Preset" function calls up a defined
instrument setup. All parameters and switching states are preset (also these
of inactive operating modes). The default instrument settings provide a repro-
ducible initial basis for all other settings. However, functions that concern the
integration of the instrument into a measurement setup are not changed.
Preset the instrument to its factory settings
The instrument can also be forced to load its default factory settings. To
access the corresponding dialog box, select the "SGMA-GUI > Instrument
Name > Setup > Factory Preset" function.
For more information and an overview of the settings affected by the factory
preset function, see the "Factory Preset" section in the user manual.
User-defined instrument states can be stored and called up using the func-
tions "SGMA-GUI > File > Save As/Open".
Putting into Operation