Preparing for Use
Getting Started 1418.2070.02 ─ 08
6. Select the network adapter you want to change. Click "Change settings of this
7. On the "Networking" tab, click "Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)". Select
8. Select "Use the following IP address" and enter the address information as
obtained from the network administrator.
9. If necessary, you can also select "Use the following DNS server addresses"
and enter your own DNS addresses.
For more information, refer to your Windows system Help.
Automatically Adding Instruments to the SGMA-GUI
For information on how to install the R&S SGMA-GUI software, refer to
Chapter 2.3.1, "Installing the R&S SGMA-GUI Software"
1. For each new instrument perform the following steps:
a) Connect the instrument to the network.
b) Press the [POWER ON /STAND BY] key to switch on the instrument.
c) Wait until the [POWER ON /STAND BY] LED is green and not blinking.
d) Press the [ID] key on the front panel of the instrument.
2. Start the SGMA-GUI on a computer connected to the same network.
3. Open the "Instruments" dialog and click "Scan".
This step is performed automatically on the first start and can also be
omitted for instruments with a direct LAN connection to the computer.
All instruments are added automatically to the main panel of the SIGMA-GUI.
Connecting a Controller via PCI Express
A PCI Express connector is provided on the rear panel of the instrument, see
Chapter 3.2, "Rear Panel Tour"
Connecting an External PC and Devices