Remote Control
User Manual 1175.7068.02 ─ 12
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Multi-Burst Power Measurement
The multi-burst power measurement function is suitable for measuring the power of a
sequence of pulses with the following characteristics:
The pulses occur at variable time intervals.
The levels of all pulses of the sequence are reliably above the trigger threshold, or
an external trigger signal is used.
The function requires one trigger event per pulse. This means that if the video trig-
ger or the IF power trigger is used, the levels of all pulses must be above the trig-
ger threshold.
The function is, therefore, particularly suitable for re-measuring DUTs already
adjusted and whose output power is within the specified range. The measurement
is optimized for minimum overhead relative to the actual measurement time.
Figure 11-7: Block diagram illustrating signal processing in analyzer
Either the root-mean-square power or the peak power is measured, depending on
whether the RMS detector or the PEAK detector is selected. The function always uses
The following parameters are to be set for this measurement:
Analyzer frequency
Resolution bandwidth
Measurement time per single pulse
Trigger source
Trigger threshold
Trigger offset
Type of power measurement (PEAK, MEAN)
Remote Control – Programming Examples