RAMBO Bike stops working in case of any error.
Only when error is gone, can vehicle work again.
- Preparation
Makes sure good connection then power on.
- Setting
Long press M to start display. Long pree press (+)
and (-) to setting mode.
- Unit
Press (+) to change unit Km or Mile.
Press M to save and skip to speed setting.
Speed limit
Limit range from 9mph to 19mph. Press press (+) or
(-) to change the limit.
Press M to save and skip to backlight setting.
- Backlight
Press press (+) or (-) to change the brightness, range
from 1 to 8.
Press M to save and skip to time setting.
- Time
Press (+) or (-) to change the hour, then press M to
minute setting, press (+) or (-) to change the minute.
Press M to save and exit.
Setting effects after restart.
Advanced setting
Long press M to start display. Long pree press (+)
and (-) to setting mode, then press (+) and (-) and no
release, meanwhile press M eight times, to advanced
Wheel size setting
Press (+) or (-) to change the wheel size. Range from
8 to 32 inch.
Press M to save and skip to sleep time interval set-
Sleep time interval setting
Press (+) or (-) to change the time, range from 0 to
60 munites. Display will sleep and cut off power after
no operation on system for the setted time. Press M
to save and skip to level amount setting.