Documentation Center
During the registration of a new device, if “device_profile_abp” is selected, then the ChirpStack platform will
assume that this device will join the LoRaWAN network using the ABP mode.
1. Fill in the parameters requested, as appears in Figure 62:
Device name and Device description: These are just descriptive texts.
Device EUI: You can also add a specific Device EUI directly in the form.
2. Once these parameters are filled, click on the “CREATE DEVICE” button.
Check Disable counting frame verification to prevent the node-side frame counting from starting from
zero after the node is powered on during the test. The server cannot synchronize the node-side counting,
causing the transmission to fail.
Figure 62: ChirpStack Console, configuring a device in ABP mode
3. After selecting the ABP mode, the following parameters appear in the ACTIVATION tab below:
Device address
Network Session Key
Application Session Key