Documentation Center
RAK4600 Module Quick Start Guide
This guide covers the following topics:
The Things Stack (TTN V3) OTAA Guide
RAK4600 OTAA AT Commands for The Things Stack
The Things Stack (TTN V3) ABP Guide
RAK4600 ABP AT Commands for The Things Stack
Chirpstack OTAA Guide
RAK4600 OTAA AT Commands for Chirpstack
Chirpstack ABP Guide
RAK4600 ABP AT Commands for Chirpstack
LoRa P2P Guide
Updating RAK4600 FW Procedure
What Do You Need?
Before going through the step in the installation guide of the RAK4600 WisDuo LPWAN Module, make sure to
prepare the necessary items listed below:
Hardware Tools
1. RAK4600 WisDuo LPWAN Module
2. Windows PC
3. USB to TTL adapter
4. RAKDAP1 Flash and Debug Tool
5. LoRaWAN gateway in range
Software Tools
Definition of Terms
List of Acronyms