Then select “per program“ and confirm by pressing OK.
Then choose to which of the programs A, B or C to assign the
water budget. Modify the permitted watering run times in 1%
increments (from 0 to 300%) and confirm by pressing OK.
By default:
100% = no change to watering run times
> 100% = increase of watering run times
< 100% = decrease of watering run times
• Seasonal adjustment per month
Select “per month“ and confirm by pressing OK.
Change the watering run times for each of the months by fractions and
confirm by pressing OK. Programs A, B and C will be affected.
Water budgets per program and per month are cumulative.
Example of water budget:
- A valve programmed with a time of 10 minutes on program A and 20
minutes on program B.
- A water budget set at 50% on program. A and 200% on program B.
- Un water budget set at 300% for the current month.
=> The effective watering run time will be 15 min (10 x 50% x 300% = 15)
on program A and 120 min (20 x 200% x 300% = 120) on program B.
The water budget does not apply to manual actions.
The maximum watering run time is 24 hours.
Deleting irrigation schedules
Select “Delete programs“ from the TBOS
IR welcome menu and confirm by pressing OK.
Then select the type of program to delete:
- Individual program to delete only one of the programs (A, B or C)
- All programs (A, B and C)
- Reset factory parameters (TBOS name = ID, station names, Rain
Delay, programs A B C empty, etc.)
Confirm your choice by pressing OK.
A deletion confirmation message will be displayed once again.
Answer yes or no by pressing OK.
Reading irrigation schedules
Select “Check programs“ from the Welcome screen and confirm
by pressing OK.
Then select the desired display and confirm by pressing OK:
- Review programs that displays details of each of
the programs A, B and C + Rain Delay + Water budget per