Additional Features Accessible With The DCS Remote
Control System
(Additional equipment required)
While conventional mode operation of a Proto-Sound 2.0 engine yields
wonderfully realistic sound and several train control features, command mode
operation allows the user to access a world of command functions never before
accessible to O Gauge railroaders. With the addition of the DCS Remote Control
System (including a DCS remote handheld and Track Interface Unit) users gain
many advanced features, including:
omotives belonging to a consist to operate
The Silver Bullet engine uses special DSP code to remotely trigger the
Coors reefer
CDS softkey Coors Delivery Stop. Plays a howling wind sound from the
engine and the door open/close and smoke/LED functions happen
automatically. It lasts approx 30 seconds
CDO softkey Coors Door Open. Plays the mechanical door opening
sound in time with the door opening on the reefer. The smoke and LED's
will run. The door will stay open indefinitely. The smoke will shut itself
off after 3 min. the LED's will run indefinitely
CDC Coors Door Close. Plays the mechanical door closing sound in
time with the door closing on the reefer. The LED's and smoke will shut
off when the door shuts
FYS This will play the FYS script just like any other engine, except the
Freight Sounds are a loading dock for beer delivery. The reefer door will
open (the smoke unit will already be running to preheat) and the LED's
will come on and the mechanical door opening sound will play in time
with the door opening on the first DIR button press. The DIR button will
cycle the FYS just like a regular engine. The 2nd DIR button press will
close the door and the smoke and LED's will shut off when the door
closes. Also, the mechanical door sounds will play in time with the door
shutting. The 4 DIR button press will wrap up the FYS sequence and the
engine will pull out of the freight dock at the same speed it entered (when
the FYS button was pressed).
The reefer door, when it first comes out of the box, may not be perfectly
timed to the door open/close sounds. This is normal. Cycling the door
open/closed 5 times will set the door speed to match the door
open/close sounds.
RailKing Coors Light The Silver Bullet
Steam Locomotive Set