Repeat the procedure for the other motor and truck
Reassemble the chassis and body, being careful that the wires are not caught
between the body and chassis, as this can lead to a short that may damage the
electronics beyond repair.
It is also a good idea to lubricate the outside truck block idler and drive gears
with grease occasionally. Add grease to the points marked with “G” in Figure
Cleaning the Wheels, Tires and Track
Periodically check the locomotive wheels and
pickups for dirt and buildup, which can cause
poor electrical contact and traction and
prematurely wear out the neoprene traction tires.
Wheels and tires can be cleaned using denatured
(not rubbing) alcohol applied with a cotton
To clean the track, use a clean rag and RailKing Track Cleaning Fluid or
denatured (not rubbing) alcohol.. Unplug the transformer and wipe the rails of
the track, turning the rag frequently to ensure that you are using clean cloth on
the rails. Because the manufacturing process leaves a coat on RealTrax, you
should clean the rails after the first 30 minutes of use (you may smell
something burning during initial use as the coat burns off; this is normal).
Thereafter, keep an eye on the track and clean it when it gets dirty to ensure
good electrical contact and to lengthen the life of the tires.
Figure 4: Mounting Screws
RailKing F-3 R-T-R Passenger Set with Proto-Sound® 2.0