Machines “RAIDER” are designed and manufactured in accordance with the regulations in Bulgaria and
standards for compliance with all safety requirements.
Content and scope of the commercial guarantee
Commercial guarantee “Euromaster Import-Export” Ltd. offers to the territory of Bulgaria, respectively: for
people who bought a machine:
- For domestic use (private) - 24 months.
- For professional use (legal entities who purchased the product with the invoice) - 12 months.
Commercial warranty is valid in the provision of properly completed warranty card at the time of purchase
of machinery and fiscal cash register receipt or invoice. Warranty must include model, serial number, name,
signature and stamp dealer sold the machine, signed by the client that is aware of the warranty and the date
of purchase. Incomplete or falsified warranty will be void.
For the claim is accepted only cleaned machines in the original box and full accessories!
The machines should be used only as intended and in accordance with the instructions.
To ensure safe operation is necessary to know the client well with instructions for use of machine safety
rules when working with it, and specific purpose. The machine requires periodic cleaning and proper
maintenance. Warranty does not cover:
- Wear the color coating machine;
- Parts and supplies are subject to wear caused by use such as grease, oil, brushes, and guides the cutting
tool holders, rollers, pads, drive belts, flexible wire shaft, bearings, seals, etc.;
- Accessories and supplies such as: handles, batteries, chains saw, knife, cord stops, etc..;
- Manual starter mechanism and spark plug;
- Electronic circuit of generator;
- Set the operation mode;
- Fuses and bulbs;
- Mechanical damage to the hull and all external components of the machine, including decorative;
- Overall damage to machinery caused by natural disasters such as fires, floods, earthquakes, etc..
Void the warranty
“And Euromaster / E” Ltd. has the right to refuse warranty service if:
- Inconsistent (or blank) serial number of this article with a completed warranty card;
- Product identification tag is removed or completely missing one;
- Is attempted unauthorized intervention service in unauthorized service facilities;
- Damage caused due to misuse (non instructions) of the machine by the customer or third parties;
- Damage caused due to careless handling of the machine;
- Operating without an air filter (or poorly placed);
- Improper ratio of gasoline / oil fuel mix in consequence of which the engine block.
- Damage due to handling export (or poorly placed) cutting tool;
- Damage to rotor or stator consisting of the bonding between them, due to melting of insulation caused by
prolonged congestion;
- Damage to rotor or stator caused by overload or impaired ventilation, manifested as discoloration of the
collector or windings;
- Lack of protective discs, back panels and other components that are part of the structure of the machine
and are designed to ensure safe and proper operation;
- Damage caused by overload or lack of ventilation and insufficient lubrication of moving components;
- Accumulated soot or blocked pipe - formed by an overdose of oil for two stroke engines;
- Lack of oil wasted cutting chain or chain;
- Damaged wheel and centrifugal brake (discolored) - due to manual lock brakes;
- Clogged fuel system;
- Bearings wear or blocked due to overloading, continuous operation or dust;
- Bush defeated;
- Bearing housing socket broken by blocked or broken bush camp;
- The integrity of the teeth of the gears (broken, worn);
- Broken keys or bolting;
- El.klyuch failure caused by dust or breakage;
- The occurrence of an unusual gap between the piston and cylinder due to overload, continuous operation
or dust;
- Tightening between the piston and cylinder due to overload, continuous operation or dust;
The period for repaired in the workshop of accepted equipment is within one month.
Workshops are not responsible for tools, unclaimed by their owners one month after the statutory period for
The legal guarantee is required by the CPA.
Deklaracija: Poreklo Kitajska, Euromaster Import Export Ltd. Je pooblaščen predstavnik
proizvajal¬ca in lastnik blagovne znamke RAIDER. Distributer in prodajalec za Slovenijo:
TOPMASTER d.o.o. SERVISER: TOPMASTER d.o.o. Prosimo, vas, da pred uporabo v celoti
preberete priložena navodila. Shranite potrdilo o nakupu-račun. Račun skupaj z garanci-
jskim listom je pogoj za uveljavljanje garan¬cije. Garancija velja na področju Slovenije.
Jamčimo, dab o izdelek v garancijskem roku brezhibno deloval, če ga boste uporabljali
v skladu z njegovim Namenom in priloženimi navodili. Obvezujemo se, da bomo na vašo
zahtevo popravili ok¬varo ali pomankljivosti na izdelku, če boste to sporočili v garanci-
jskem roku. Okvaro bomo brezplačno odpravili najkasneje v 45 dneh od dneva prijave
okvare. Izdelek, ki ga ne bomo popravili v omejenem roku, bomo na vašo zahtevo zamenjali
z novim. Za čas popravila vam bomo podaljšali garancijski rok. Garancija prične veljati
z dnem izročitve blaga. Garancija ne izključuje pravic potrošnika, ki izhajajo iz odgovor-
nosti prodajalca za napake na blagu. Garancijska doba je 12 mesecev. Rezervni deli so
dobavljivi še 36 mesecev po preteku garancije. Pošiljanje orodja in delo, se v vsakem
primeru plača in bremenijo stranko. Izključeno iz garancije: škodo, nastalo zaradi sla-
bega vzdrževana, malomarnosti in uporabe, ki ni v skladu splošnimi pogoji ne priznamo.
Prosimo, upoštevajte, da naše naprave niso na¬menjene uporabi v poslovnih, trgovskih in
industrijskih aplikacijah. Zato se garancija razveljavi, če se oprema uporablja v aplikacijah
poslovnih, trgovskih in industrijskih ali drugih enakovrednih dejavnosti. V nadaljevanju
se prav tako izključi iz naše garancije: nadomestilo za poškodbe pri prevozu in škodo,
nastalo zaradi neizpolnjevanja za vgradnjo / sestavljanje navodil ali škodo, nastalo zaradi
nestroko¬vnega montaže, neupoštevanja navodil , zlorabo ali neprimerno uporabo (na
primer preobremenitev naprave), vdorom tujkov v napravo (npr. pesek ali prah), ki učinkov
sile ali zaradi zunanjih dogodkov (npr. škoda, povzročena z napravo) in normalne obrabe
zaradi nepravilnega delovanja naprave.
Zastopa in prodaja: TOPMASTER d.o.o., Slovenčeva ulica 24, 1000 LJUBLJANA
Tel. 01 6205290, [email protected], www.topmaster.si
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