(i) Re-orientate or re-locate the unit
(ii) Increase the distance between the Ei 168 and the device being affected
(iii) Connect the device being affected to a mains outlet on a circuit different from
the one that supplies the Ei168 transceiver
(iv) Consult the supplier or an experienced radio/television technician.
7.1 Inspection & Testing Procedure
We recommend that a weekly check is made of your Alarm System as below. We
particularly stress the need for this check after re-occupation following a holiday
(i) Check that the green mains indicator light is on. (If it is off, check circuit breakers,
fuses and wiring etc.) Check the red light on the cover flashes every 40 seconds.
(ii) Press the test/hush button for up to 20 seconds on each unit. The horn will
sound and the amber light on the
Base sidewall will come on continu-
ously for about 3.5 seconds. This will ensure the sensor chamber, electronics and
sounder are working. A red light on the cover will flash while horn is sounding. All
other installed units should now sound. Release the test button. The local alarm
will cease and you should then be able to hear the other alarms sounding in the
distance. (If any of the alarms do not sound see section 5).
Pressing the test button simulates the effect of smoke or heat during a real fire and
is the best way to ensure the Alarm is operating correctly.