Embedded Wireless Solutions
2007 Radiocrafts AS
RC2300DK/RC2301DK Demonstration Kit User Manual (rev. 2.0)
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Using the Demonstration Kit
The Demonstration Kit is useful for providing hands-on experience with the RC2300 for both
software and hardware developers. The Data Sheet for the module provides detailed
information on the internal resources and available I/Os of the modules.
The use of radio transceivers is regulated by international and national rules.
Radiocrafts’ modules meet the regulations in EU and US/Canada for different frequency
variants. Make sure the local regulative are according to these rules. Your local
telecommunication authorities can provide more information on use of un-licensed radio
transmitter in your country.
SW implementation
For implementing your application
IAR Embedded Workbench
is recommended. En example
IAR project for the embedded microcontroller can be downloaded from TI/Chipcon homepage.
User guides for how to integrate module programming into IAR is also available there.
The Z-stack from TI/Chipcon currently (rev 1.4.2) supports only revision 7.20H of the IAR
Embedded Workbench and not the newest (7.21 and 7.30). Check TI’s website
for latest update on this.
A flyer for IAR Embedded Workbench is included in the kit. More info on IAR can be found on
IAR homepage (