Test Conditions: FM
Mono:...................................................1000 Hz 75 kHz
Stereo:.............................................(L+R) 45% (L-R) 45%
Pilot:........................................................19kHz 10%
Output:........................................................1mW/32 ohms
Antenna Input:.....................................................75 ohms
Condition Unit Nominal Limit
Frequency Range MHz 87.5~108.1 87.5~108.1
3% THD Sensitivity 1mW/32 Ohms 90.1 MHz µV dB 4.7 10
98.1 MHz µV dB 2.5 7
106.1 MHz µV dB 4.7 10
Usable Sensitivity 30 dB S/N 90.1 MHz µV 3.2 9
98.1 MHz µV 2.5 7
106.1 MHz µV 3.2 9
Auto Scan Stop Sensitivity 98.1 MHz µV 4.0 10
Tuning Indicator On Sensitivity 98.1 MHz µV 2.2 10
Maximum Output Power 1 mV Input 98.1 MHz mW 40 20
S/N Ratio 1 mV Input 98.1 MHz dB 62 50
Distortion 1 mV Input 98.1 MHz % 0.4 3
Output Power at 10% THD 98.1 MHz mW 37 20
AM Suppression 1 mV Input 98.1 MHz dB 48 30
-3 dB Limiting 98.1 MHz µV 1.6 4.0
DX-LOCAL Sensitivity Ratio
(3% THD) 98.1 MHz 15 -
Tone Control Effect at 10 kHz 98.1 MHz kHz 13 9~17
Image Rejection Ratio 106.1 MHz dB 34 22
I.F Rejection Ratio 90.1 MHz dB 60 50
Spurious Response 98.1 MHz dB 74 50
Capture Ratio 100 µV Input 98.1 MHz dB 3.0 6
Alternate Channel Selectivity
at 100 µV Input 98.1 MHz dB 25 15
De-emphasis 100 Hz dB -2 -1~-3
8 kHz dB -11 -8~-14
Overload 100 mV Input 98.1 MHz % 0.6 3.0
Current Drain mA 45 51
Oscillator Drop Out V 1.8 2.1
Stereo Separation 1 mV Input 100 Hz dB 25 20
1 kHz dB 38 30
10 kHz dB 27 20
Distortion at 1 mV Input 1 kHz % 0.3 3
Stereo Beacon Sensitivity µV 1.6 7.1
38 kHz Leakage 1 mV Input dB 34 28
Pilot Modulation 1 mV Input % 3 7
Note: Nominal Specs represent the design specs. All units should be able
to approximate these - some will exceed and some may drop slightly
below these specs. Limit specs represent the absolute worst
condition that still might be considered acceptable; in no case
should a unit fail to meet limit specs