Your RadioShack SportsCaster Alphanumeric Pager
is a sports news source and personal pager — all in
one! The pager provides you with frequent updates of
sports scores, team standings, sports news, and Las
Vegas betting odds for both professional and college
sports. It also lets you receive personal messages
from family and friends. The pager can store up to 32
messages (sports and personal messages com-
bined), and alerts you of personal messages with ei-
ther a gentle vibration, a vibration and a single beep,
or one of 16 melodies. It also has these features:
Clock — displays the current date, time, and day of
the week when you are not viewing a message, and
lets you change the time and date display formats.
Message Protect — lets you protect up to 16 mes-
sages from accidental deletion.
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17-9050.fm Page 2 Tuesday, August 3, 1999 8:44 AM