Radijator PK Series Скачать руководство пользователя страница 40



Radijator Inženjering d.o.o, 36000 Kraljevo, Živojina Lazića - Solunca br.6, Srbija 

tel. +381 36 399 140, fax. +381 36 399 150, http://www.radijator.rs 

e-mail: [email protected] 





   The combustion takes place in a two-part firebox in several stages.  The upper and lower chamber are 
mutually separated by a “draft slot” made of fire-resistant ceramics. 
   The upper chamber is used to stack wood. Wood logs are properly stacked in the chamber, where the 
minimal  length  of  the logs  has  to  be  bigger  than  the  “

draft  slot”

,  but  not  more than  50  cm.  For  the 

optimal  results  and  maximal  degree  of  utilization,  the  recommended  moisture  level  in  the  wood  is 
around  15%-20%.  The  pyrolysis  process,  i.e.  “gasification”  of  the  wood  takes  place  in  the  upper 
   The main pyrolysis process takes place in the  lower  chamber, which is additionally  protected by  a 
layer of fire-resistant ceramics. 

   Principle of work of the boiler (Figure 1b):

 After  the fire is fired up in the boiler (firebox flap is 

closed, while it was initially open, as was the primary flap), in the beginning the wood goes through an 
additional drying process. When the flame forms, the secondary air flap opens. The wood gasification 
process  starts  in  the  upper  chamber,  thus  releasing  hydrocarbon  gases  which,  due  to  the  draft  in  the 
boiler, want to penetrate the lower chamber through the draft slot. A part of these gases combust in the 
upper chamber, while the remaining gases, together with the less combustible particles, combust in the 
lower chamber where the temperature reaches around 1100°C. 


Figure 1b.  Upper and lower combustion chamber and the draft slot 


   In this way, an insignificant portion of the harmful non-combusted particles reaches the uptake, thus 
reducing the level of harmful emissions which complies with all the standards and norms prescribed by 
the European Union. 
Such combustion achieves the highest possible level of utilization and the boiler has higher efficiency. 

Содержание PK Series

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Страница 11: ...aj sigurnosni element ima tako e ulogu ograni iva a temperature U daljem tekstu bi e ozna en sa skra enicom VTO U nekim ekstremno opasnim situacijama prelaz vode u vodenu paru je takav da ventili sigu...

Страница 12: ...o drugog se dovodi hladna voda pod pritiskom Naro ito je bitno da protok te vode bude neometan i pri nestanku el energije Ukoliko je nemogu e obezbediti dotok hladne sanitarne vode i pri nestanku el e...

Страница 13: ...n enjering d o o 36000 Kraljevo ivojina Lazi a Solunca br 6 Srbija tel 381 36 399 140 fax 381 36 399 150 http www radijator rs e mail radijator radijator rs 13 Slika 5b Prikaz postavljanja sigurnosnih...

Страница 14: ...vog materijala Preporu ene vrednosti udaljenosti sve etri strane kotla u odnosu na zidove kotlarnice ili neka druga kruta tela akumulacioni bojler itd prikazane su na Slici 6 Ove vrednosti udaljenosti...

Страница 15: ...tlarnici mo e da uzrokuje vi e problema u radu kotla Glavni problem je nemogu nost postizanja visokih temperature izla ne vode tj ne postizanje maksimalne snage to dovodi do kondezovanja u kotlu Uzeti...

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Страница 19: ...tura povratnog voda C 60 Stepen iskori enja 90 3 Nominalna snaga kW 18 07 Emisija CO pri nominalnoj toplotnoj snazi 10 O2 mg m 126 57 Emisija NOx pri nominalnoj toplotnoj snazi 10 O2 mg m 175 75 Emisi...

Страница 20: ...Kraljevo ivojina Lazi a Solunca br 6 Srbija tel 381 36 399 140 fax 381 36 399 150 http www radijator rs e mail radijator radijator rs 20 Slika 9 Projekcija kotla sa dimenzijama NAPOMENA Ovo su izmere...

Страница 21: ...na propisan na in od prekora enja maksimalne radne temperature i pritiska Za propisnu monta u odgovoran je instalater centralnog grejanja koji priklju uje kotao na hidrauli ki sistem Radijator in enj...

Страница 22: ...lacija 7 Trokraki me ni ventil sa elektro motorom 8 Ventil za termi ko osiguranje 9 Sigurnosna grupa ventil sigurnosti manometar odzra ni ventil 10 Izmenjiva 11 Bojler za sanitarnu vodu 12 Ventil za p...

Страница 23: ...i odr avanje 7 1Start rada kotla i lo enje 1 Unutar kotla postoji klapna za usmerivanje dimnih gasova u dva re ima radni i polo aj za potpalu Ovom klapnom se rukuje pomo u ru ice na prednjoj strani k...

Страница 24: ...o prethodno lo en potrebno je odstraniti pepeo iz lo i ta Na opeku pore ati sitne gran ice i ostatke drveta a preko toga staviti zgu vani papir i preko njega staviti jo sitnih gran ica do visine otvor...

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Страница 26: ...proces gorenja tj kada je potrebno kotao o istiti 9 Potrebno je klapnu dimnja e pomeriti iz polo aja zabravljenja tj ru ica se pomera u smeru ka dimnja i i tada plamen kre e u smeru na dole kroz prom...

Страница 27: ...atrana Zato se preporu uje svakodnevno i enje pepela i lo i ta Za i enje i odr avanje kotla koristiti pribor koji se dobija uz kotao Lopaticom ili struga em odstraniti sasu ene i zakorele naslage koje...

Страница 28: ...ru ujemo redovni nadzor dimni ara Po prestanku grejne sezone kotao treba detaljno o istiti a zatim zatvoriti sva vrata uklju uju i i klapne za prodor primarnog i sekundarnog vazduha i klapne lo i ta N...

Страница 29: ...ring d o o 36000 Kraljevo ivojina Lazi a Solunca br 6 Srbija tel 381 36 399 140 fax 381 36 399 150 http www radijator rs e mail radijator radijator rs 29 7 3 Kratko upustvo za automatiku 7 3 1 Osnovni...

Страница 30: ...radijator rs 30 7 3 2 Za nastavak Ako elite da pre ete na slede u postavku pritisnite u gornjem desnom uglu U tom slu aju prikaz na ekranu je Za povratak na predhodnu postavku na ekranu pritisnuti u...

Страница 31: ...era Obavezna je potvrda uz pomo ENTER po to ste uneli eljenu vrednost Nakon toga isto postupak ponoviti i za minute Po zavr etku pritisnuti ikonicu 7 3 4 Sanitarna voda Da biste podesili eljenu temper...

Страница 32: ...e Obavezna je potvrda uz ENTER Na kraju obavezno pritisnuti ikonicu kako bi pode avanja ostala sa uvana 7 3 7 Menjanje osnovnih paramatera rada kotla Za promenu osnovnih parametara kotla kao to je mak...

Страница 33: ...isnuti ikonicu Na ekranu e Vam se pojaviti osnovne informacije kao to su ukupno vreme rada kotla vreme rada ventilatora ukupno vreme rada pumpe broj prekida STB a da li je kotao bio pregrejan i verzij...

Страница 34: ...ijska izjava Izjavljujemo da proizvod ima propisana i deklarisana kvalitetna svojstva Obavezujemo se da emo na zahtev kupca ako pravovremeno u garancijskom roku podnese zahtev za popravku o svakom tro...

Страница 35: ...kori enja vrsti predmeti ako je proizvod instaliran nestru no suprotno va e im propisima iz tog podru ija ako je kupac koristio proizvod iznad deklarisanih svojstava i u normalnim okolnostima ukoliko...

Страница 36: ...boilers 3 3 Boiler room 3 4 Chimney connection 4 Cross section of the PK series boiler with the description of elements 5 Technical data table 6 Hydraulic diagram 7 Boiler starting and maintenance 7...

Страница 37: ...the use of solid fuel boilers requires observance of safety measures as follows Children and persons with limited abilities must not use the boiler without supervision It is forbidden to use the boil...

Страница 38: ...and flue gas evacuation pipes from low and average flammable materials should be at least 100 mm Minimal distance from easily flammable materials is 200 mm same applies to materials the flammability...

Страница 39: ...DOO with the aim to offer a boiler that is according to its mechanical and thermal properties intended specifically for pyrolytic wood burning process Figure 1a Under the pyrolysis principle the fuel...

Страница 40: ...cs Principle of work of the boiler Figure 1b After the fire is fired up in the boiler firebox flap is closed while it was initially open as was the primary flap in the beginning the wood goes through...

Страница 41: ...er return line For the optimal utilization of energy and comfort during use number of fuelling is reduced to the absolute minimum once to twice a day the additional installation of heat storage is rec...

Страница 42: ...wood Due to the use of fans i e forced draft the flue gas route is longer than in standard boilers For these reasons it is possible to use flue gas routers so called turbulators which additionally inc...

Страница 43: ...of warranty conditions and will lead to its violation During the connecting to the hydraulic installations the boiler has to be adequately secured so that the maximal temperature and pressure are not...

Страница 44: ...stand for short time higher temperatures and overpressure as well as certain content of glycol in the heating fluid Usually at the same place the air bleeding valve figure 3 and pressure gauge figure...

Страница 45: ...he temperature In the following text it is marked by abbreviation VTO In some extremely dangerous situations the transformation of water to steam is such that safety pressure valves are not sufficient...

Страница 46: ...er of the boiler and the second for feeding of cold water under pressure It is very important that the flow of such water is unobstructed also when there is no supply of electric power If it is not po...

Страница 47: ...tor In enjering d o o 36000 Kraljevo ivojina Lazi a Solunca br 6 Srbija tel 381 36 399 140 fax 381 36 399 150 http www radijator rs e mail radijator radijator rs 47 Figure 5b Installation of safety el...

Страница 48: ...non flammable material Recommended distances on all four sides of the boiler from the walls of boiler room or some other rigid bodies accumulating boiler etc are shown in figure 6 These distances enab...

Страница 49: ...roblems in boiler operation The main problem is impossibility to attain high temperatures of outgoing water i e not attaining the maximum power which leads to the condensation of the water inside the...

Страница 50: ...of the boiler to the chimney Arches should be avoided if possible if not the maximum number of arches should be 2 It is preferable to insulate the smoke channel from the boiler to the chimney especial...

Страница 51: ...should be consulted If you are of opinion that the chimney is too strong and that too much cold air passes through the boiler at the exit of the boiler there is a flap which can be used to reduce the...

Страница 52: ...ator rs 52 4 Cross section of the PK boiler with the description of elements Figure 8 Cross section of the PK 18 series boiler 1 Lower door 2 Upper door 3 Primary air flap motor 4 Secondary air flap m...

Страница 53: ...0 90 Min temperature of the return line C 60 Efficiency rate 90 3 Nominal power kW 18 07 CO emission with rated heating power 10 O2 mg m 126 57 NOx emission with rated heating power 10 O2 mg m 175 75...

Страница 54: ...raljevo ivojina Lazi a Solunca br 6 Srbija tel 381 36 399 140 fax 381 36 399 150 http www radijator rs e mail radijator radijator rs 54 Figure 9 Boiler projection with dimensions NOTE These are the va...

Страница 55: ...temperature and pressure are not exceeded Central heating fitter is responsible for adequate installation and connecting of the boiler to the hydraulic system Radijator In enjering as the manufacturer...


Страница 57: ...iler starting and stoking 11 Inside the boiler there is a flap for directing the flue gas in two modes operating and ignition position This flap is operated by the handle on the front side of the boil...

Страница 58: ...ed paper over it and then place some more branches up to the height of the primary air opening located on the lateral sides of the firebox Stack firewood lengthwise over it Stack them up to the half o...

Страница 59: ...Main switch 14 Before firing the boiler the lower door has to be slightly opened It is also important for the primary air flap to be open while the secondary air flap has to be closed Figure 13 This c...

Страница 60: ...omplete i e when the boiler needs to be cleaned 18 It is necessary to move the flue outlet flap from the locking position i e move the handle towards the flue outlet and then the flame would move down...

Страница 61: ...hen solid fuel is being used Therefore it is recommended to clean the ash and the firebox on a daily basis Use the tools supplied with the boiler to clean and maintain the boiler Use the shovel or scr...

Страница 62: ...e boiler We recommend for the chimney sweeper to perform regular inspection After the heating season is over the boiler should be thoroughly cleaned and all the doors should be closed including the pr...

Страница 63: ...d o o 36000 Kraljevo ivojina Lazi a Solunca br 6 Srbija tel 381 36 399 140 fax 381 36 399 150 http www radijator rs e mail radijator radijator rs 63 7 3 Short automation instruction 7 3 1 Basic appea...

Страница 64: ...3 2 To continue If you wish to move on to the next setting press in the upper right corner In this case the display shows To return to the previous setting on the screen press in the upper left corne...

Страница 65: ...TER after you enter the desired value After this repeat the procedure for minutes After you finish press the icon 7 3 4 Sanitary water To set the desired temperature of the sanitary water press the ic...

Страница 66: ...is necessary to confirm with ENTER After you finish you must press the icon so that the settings would be saved 7 3 7 Change of the basic boiler parameters To change the basic boiler parameters such...

Страница 67: ...s the icon The basic information would appear on the screen such as total length of boiler operation length of fan operation total length of pump operation number of STB interruptions was the boiler o...

Страница 68: ...tion We declare that the product has prescribed and declared quality characteristics We are obliged at the request of the buyer if such request for repair is submitted in due time and in the warranty...

Страница 69: ...n use solid objects if the product is unprofessionally installed contrary to the valid regulations in that area if the buyer has used the product above the declared characteristics and in normal condi...

Страница 70: ..._________________________________ pe at stamp Adresa Address to Telefon Phone Datum prodaje Date of Sale Potrosa ima sva prava na osnovu Zakona o za titi potro a a Sl glasnik RS br erbia62 2014 Garanc...
