36000 Kraljevo, Živojina Lazića
- Solunca br.6, Srbija
tel. +381 36 399 140, fax. +381 36 399 150, http://www.radijator.rs
e-mail: [email protected]
7. When Reporting failures it is necessary to give the following information:
name and type of product,
the date of purchase,
factory or workshop of the fireplace,
A brief description of the fault, or lack of,
full address of owner and contact telephone number, e-mail.
8. Regular annual service
Regular service is performed at the end of the heating season in the period from 15.4. to 31.8
and charged by the established price list of the Co. " Radiator Engineering". Service procedure
by the technical persons performing regular annual service, which are authorized by the
manufacturer for this, including the following operations:
NOTE: The Service Provider is in obligation to inspect all of the
following parts ( from the list ) feeder and exchanger, and if it comes to
replacing of any parts of the same, the user receives the above-mentioned
warranty and guarantee for another 12 months placed on the body of the
boiler ( exchanger ). The warranty can be extended up to 5 years from the
date of commissioning. Service and extension of service can be performed by a
person sent by the Central Service of the Co. "Radiator engineering ". For
not changed parts, after the servicing work, the service guarantee is not valid.
dismantling silos pellet from pellet conveyor;
dismantling of pellet conveyor from the boiler;
disassembly of both chains;
removal of the segments for the combustion from the furnace and furnace space
cleaning beneath segments. Checking of the state of segments and their mutual gap;
cleaning the space of the tube in furnace in which the lower worm spiral is rotating;
Lubricating of all bearings, top and bottom screw shaft and checking of their proper
operational state. Bearing must not have difficulty in turning or cracks in the in the
housing. Contrarily the bearing is replaced. If it is determined that the damage to the
bearing is due to intrusion of solid objects into the pellet carrier (due to user’s mistake or
the manufacturer of pellet mistake), Co. “Radiator Engineering” shall charge value of the
bearing. If the damage to the bearing is due to the withdrawal of the flame into the pellet
transporter itself for reasons of poorly set parameters when using the boiler, Co.
“Radiator Engineering” shall charge the value of the bearing.