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The Programmed mode allows to set, for every hour of day and for every day of the week independently, the   desired tempe-

rature choosing between the Comfort, Eco (equal to that of Comfort decreased by 3.5 ° C) or Frost-free.
To activate the Programmed mode, press the 


 key until the display shows "Pr". 

If the product is brand new the default 

program is the following:

Always Frost-free mode except Comfort mode in the following hours:

- from 06:00 to 08:00 on Monday-Friday;

- from 08:00 to 10:00 on Saturday-Sunday.

When in Programmed mode you can display/modify the program 

by pressing the 


 keys together.

The display shows day 1 (Monday).

By pressing the 





keys, the different hours of the day 

are displayed starting from “00” (time between 00:00 and 00:59).

The reference temperature set for the selected time is indicated 

by turning on the antifreeze icon (temperature of 7 ° C), the Eco 

icon (Eco temperature = Comfort - 3.5 ° C) or the Comfort one 

(Comfort temperature set by the user).

The desired temperature can be changed by pressing the 



key. The lighting in sequence of the icons described above indi-

cates the reference temperature.



Use the 




 keys to view/modify the temperature set 

for each of the hours of day 1, from 00 to 23.


At 11 pm (23), pressing the 


key again allows access to the 

programming for day 2.

Now  it is possible to choose whether to display/modify the tem-

perature of the single hours of day 2 or set day 2 identical to day 

1. In the first case, use the 


 keys as already descri-

bed for day 1, in the second just press again the button 


. By 

doing so, day 2 is automatically set equal to day 1 and the system 

moves to the beginning of day 3. This procedure can be repeated 

until programming for day 7.


At the end of the programming on day 7, or in any intermediate 

phase of the programming, after pressing the 

 key, you ac-

cess the program saving phase. The message “OK” appears on 

the display and the program just defined is stored.


- At any time it is possible to abandon the viewing/modification procedure by deleting the modifications not yet saved 

by waiting 30 seconds without touching any key;

-During the programming the heating elements are disconnected and the product doesn't heat.

Содержание BALI

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Страница 25: is clearly written on the cover of the product or shown by the symbol Do not use the heater in rooms with explosive gas or while using in flammable solvents or varnish or glues If the cordset is da...

Страница 26: ...IT BACK AGAIN AFTERWARDS Every 120 working hours the user is notified of the need to clean the filter on the back of the product The warning is given in the form of a running message on the display t...

Страница 27: ...o white dashes appear on the display M b o ost When the product is turned on it activates in Automatic mode The message AU is shown for 3 seconds on the display and after the set temperature is shown...

Страница 28: and resume the normal functioning OPEN WINDOW DETECTION This function makes it possible to detect an open window and automatically activate the Anti freeze operating mode When the function is enabl...

Страница 29: ...ter a previous change It is not possible indeed to evaluate the room temperature maintained by the product correctly if the comfort level temperature is continually changed in a short time If a differ...

Страница 30: can be changed by pressing the M key The lighting in sequence of the icons described above indi cates the reference temperature Use the and keys to view modify the temperature set for each of the h...

Страница 31: ...the fan heater again and check it works correctly If the touch control commands are blocked or don t properly answer to digital pressure turn off the heater using the electromechanic switch on the lef...

Страница 32: ...0 000 kW Type of heat output room temperature control select one At minimum heat output elmin 0 000 kW single stage heat output and no room temperature control no In standby mode elSB 0 343 W Two or...
