The detector lets you mark known false alert areas so that you will not receive audio alerts in the future
at the marked location. The detector stores the GPS coordinates as well as radar band, radar frequency
and signal strength and compares it each time with the actual signal received. If the received signal at
the lockout location is different from the saved signal in terms of frequency and/or signal strength the
detector automatically unmutes and you will be alerted by audio again.
The display will show the band and signal strength and a small “L” icon in front of the radar band letter
indicates that the area is locked out. You can then either ignore the alert or delete the previously saved
locked out and re-save the new one.
To set a GPS lockout press the middle button during an alert for 2 seconds. The detector will state “Lock-
out started” and will complete the process by stating “False alert area added”. To manually unlock the
detector press the middle button for 2 seconds in a locked out area. You can also delete all lockouts in
the menu.