How to Use the RS-2000
In this section the basic operation of the RS-2000 will be discussed. The procedure
for basic operation is posted on the unit and is also provided at the end of this
Getting Started/Prerequisites
To use the RS2000 an individual must complete initial training which consists of
completing the following training modules:
Building training for access to MBB/CCRB:
to complete the following courses:
Radiation Safety Orientation
Preventing Employee Exposure to Blood borne and Other Pathogens
Radioactive Materials:
Online 1 hour training module, must be documented in order to get Xray
access. This training is different that the Radiation training orientation, you
need to complete both.
Radiation Safety for Radioactive Material Users- For individuals required to
handle radioactive materials. Also, all medical, dental, veterinary and
research x-ray operators must complete this module for part of their
radiation safety training
Any use of the RS-2000 not for its intended use may result in an unsafe
condition. Do NOT insert any flammable or potentially explosive materials into
the unit, or apply toxic or corrosive chemicals.
If you have any questions about its use, please refer to the Operating Manual
(located in irradiator room) or contact Rad Source Technologies