For the best results, use the antenna in the centre of a metal roof at least 5 cm away from any roof bars or radio
antennas. Do not mount the antenna close to the edge of the roof as reflections from the ground may interfere with the
signals. Avoid the edges as reflections from the A-pillars will cause problems.
Mount the antenna as high up as possible and keep it above any roll bars. Pieces of metal close to and above an
antenna will badly disrupt the GNSS signal.
If the vehicle being used does not have a metal roof, then place the GNSS antenna on a flat piece of metal at least 10
cm in diameter. If this is not possible, copper or aluminium foil can be used to create a shaped ground plane underneath
the antenna. For example, on a fibreglass roof, mount the antenna on top of the roof, and place some adhesive-backed
metal foil underneath, on the inside of the roof.
Acquiring Satellite Lock
Tall buildings or trees can block GNSS signals, causing a reduction in the number and quality of satellites being tracked,
leading to inaccurate position measurements and a noisy velocity signal.
GNSS works best in open areas/ Avoid tree-lined roads
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