Configure Marks & Courses
Marks and Courses are managed and added to d10 from the a10 App.
You can download marks, create your own marks, create courses and upload them to
the d10 and see what marks are already on the d10.
peration -
There are three types of Navigation modes: Windward/Leeward, Win/Lee Fixed and
Windward and Leeward marks are Auto Acquired when the d10 turns above or below
the mean wind angle by the number of degrees set in the a10 app.. The default value is
80 degrees. See
Auto Acquire Marks
for more detail on how d10 acquires marks
Windward/Leeward fixed
Windward and Leeward Marks are fixed and manually entered based on distance and
bearing from start line using a10 app.
Navigates route of marks sent to the d10. Auto advances route based on proximity set
in Settings.
Additional settings
Arrival Distance - Sets the distance in meters from a mark that route advances.
Leg Angle (advanced settings) - The number of degrees above/below mean wind that
the d10 acquires Windward/Leeward marks.
Dip Check Time (advanced settings) - The time in seconds a course change has to be
maintined for d10 to acquire mark. Prevents dips from triggering mark acquisition.
Configure Navigation Mode
Download App
open side menu and
select “settings”
select “d10”
select “nav Mode”
and touch +/- to
change value
peration -
Manage Marks
open side menu and
select “nav”
“on D10” shows the current marks
on the d10 including the current
gps positions of fixed marks
Left swiping a mark in
the course will allow
you to delete the
View marks on d10
Add marks to Mark Library
select Marks
To add new mark select
+ at top of Marks screen
and Add Mark screen will
To get current position of
d10 or device select icon
in Position section
To add complete mark
library cloud icon at top
of Marks screen and list
of available mark libraries
will appear. select one
and the marks will be
swipe left on any
mark to show options
to edit or delete