User Manual 1260-60A/B
Module Specific Syntax 3-2
line by separating the path designators by commas. Command
lines terminate at the end of the line.
The Module Specific Syntax for the 1260-60A,B is required for
use in the OPEN and CLOSE commands. It will also appear in
data output by the 1260 Series Master in response to the
PDATAOUT command.
For OPEN, the syntax is:
OPEN <mod addr>.<bank no><relay no>-<bank no><relay no>
OPEN 3.000,004-011,100-111,201,203
For CLOSE, the syntax is:
CLOSE <mod addr>.<bank no><relay no>-<bank no><relay no>
CLOSE 3.000,004-011,100-111,201,203
The PDATAOUT command causes the specified module to
transmit the CLOSED state of the relays in the 1260-60A,B
module. The syntax used is:
PDATAOUT <mod addr>[;<mod addr>][;<mod addr>]....
The response to the PDATAOUT command for the 1260-60A,B
is as follows:
<mod addr>. <bank no><group no>[,...] <bank no><group
no>[,...] <mod addr>.END
where <header> is as follows:
1260-60A,B: <mod addr>. 1260-60A,B Triple SPDT
Note the actual <header> sent is determined by the setting of the
ID Byte DIP switches on the module.
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