4. Check that movement is not directly
towards sensor. Sensor will see
movement across its pattern more
quickly. To fix, move the sensor.
5. Check that movement far away and
directly towards sensor is not entirely
within one Detection Pattern finger.
Problem: Sensor will not detect until
movement crosses from one finger into
a second finger.
“Micro Adjust” sensor
by tilting sensor 1/16”. This small
adjustment may move the zones to
allow earlier detection.
1. Check that the sensor is level from side
to side and pointed at the area you
desire. If unit is tilted, part of the Detec-
tion Zone may be high in the air over
people’s heads.
Position sensor exactly level
from side to side.
2. Check that the sensor is not mounted
too high. If mounted above 20 feet,
much of the usable range will be lost.
3. If sensor is painted, make sure there is no
paint on the lens and that the lens paint
mask is removed.
Passing cars activate sensor.
A 30’ safety zone between the
sensor and road is recommended to
avoid activation from passing cars.
6. Make sure heat from lights is not
triggering sensor. Make sure the sensor
is below and as far as possible away
from lights.
1. Make sure sensor is not aimed at
something that would move or change
temperature such as waving branches,
water, air conditioners, windows or
heating vents - even on neighboring
property. You can test for infrared
sources in the area by placing a box or
bag over the sensor. Put sensor into Test
Mode. After the initial 30 seconds of the
lights being on, lights should stay off.
Wave your hand inside the bag in front
of sensor. Lights should go on and then
time out. If sensor operates properly
when covered, check items 2-6.
Sensor is triggered by
unwanted movement or heat source.
Tilt sensor (Pg.8) or mask lens
in the direction of the source. Move
sensor or source.
2. Make sure sensor is mounted firmly and
does not move even slightly when
touched. If it moves, tighten all screws.
3. Make sure that SmartBox is not mounted
on an unstable object such as a tree or
a pole that will move in the wind.
4. Was sensor wired hot? If so, circuitry may
have been damaged.
5. Make sure sensor is not aimed within 30
feet of a road.
blowing may
You may tilt sensor to not aim in the
direction of the street or mask top of
sensor lens to reduce range (Pg. 8)
Technical Tips:
Lights Do Not Turn Off
Technical Tips:
Range appears limited
No detection until here
Less Sensitive
More Sensitive
Mounting at 4’ to 8’ allows
maximum range.