User Manual
Rev. 1.0 - 01/02/22
Thursday #1
Setting of the first Thursday event in which the power variation set as
a percentage occurs.
Thursday #2
Setting of the second Thursday event in which the power variation set
as a percentage occurs.
Friday #1
Setting of the first Friday event in which the power variation set as a
percentage occurs.
Friday #2
Setting of the second Friday event in which the power variation set as
a percentage occurs.
Saturday #1
Setting of the first Saturday event in which the power variation set as
a percentage occurs.
Saturday #2
Setting of the second Satursday event in which the power variation set
as a percentage occurs.
Sunday #1
Setting of the first Sunday event in which the power variation set as a
percentage occurs.
Sunday #2
Setting of the second Saturday event in which the power variation set
as a percentage occurs.
N O T E : T h e c o r r e c t s e t t i n g o f t h e e v e n t s f o r e s e e s
a power between 0 and 105%, and a time between 00:00 and 23:59.
If the time set is 24:00, then the event is disabled.
NOTE: The power change set in the event will be maintained until the next set
event; in case of remote modifications, the power change will be immediate until
the next event.