Good practices
In maintaining the equipment described in this manual, please keep in
mind the following, standard good practices:
When connecting any instrument (wattmeter, spectrum ana-
lyzer, etc.) to a high frequency output, use the appropriate atten-
uator or dummy load to protect the final amplifiers and the in-
strument input.
When inserting or removing printed circuit boards (PCBs), cable
connectors, or fuses, always turn off power to the affected por-
tion of the equipment. After power is removed, allow sufficient
time for the power supplies to bleed down before reinserting
When troubleshooting, remember that FETs and other metal-ox-
ide semiconductor (MOS) devices may appear defective be-
cause of leakage between traces or component leads on the
printed circuit board. Clean the printed circuit board and recheck
the MOS device before assuming it is defective.
When replacing MOS devices, follow standard practices to avoid
damage caused by static charges and soldering.
When removing components from PCBs (particularly ICs), use
care to avoid damaging PCB traces.