HF spark is present at the tungsten electrode but unable to start welding arc,
Machine has normal welding output
1 Tungsten may be contaminated - replace or sharpen
2 The current may be set too low
3 Tungsten may be too large for process
4 Gas flow may be insufficient, increase gas flow, reduce tungsten stick out from ceramic
No HF when torch trigger pressed, no blue spark between HF points
Examine and clean HF points with clean dry low pressure air line
HF PCB faulty – Contact R-Tech for repair
MMA Stick welding problems
Stick electrode ‘blasts off’ when arc is struck
Welding current set to high, reduce amperage or use thicker electrode
Contaminated electrodes or material
Electrode sticks in weld puddle
Welding current is set too low
Arc is too short, keep electrode further away from work
Excessive splatter
Too long an arc, keep electrode closer to work
Poor penetration
Travel speed too fast
Too much welding current, reduce welding amperage
Porosity in weld
Electrodes are damp
Arc too long, get electrode closer to work