When the trigger mode is in the 4 step position the following sequence will occur
Press and hold the TIG torch switch to start sequence.
The machine will open gas valve to start flow of shield gas, after a 0.5 seconds pre-flow
time to purge air from torch hose the welding output of machine will be turned on and the
arc will be started. After the arc is started the output current will be at start (min) current
This condition can be maintained as long as required.
Release the TIG torch switch to go to step 2
The machine will now increase output to base (main) current in time set by slope-up.
Press and hold the TIG torch switch when main weld is complete
The machine will now decrease the welding output current to finish (min) in down-slope
time set. Once at finish (min) output you can release the TIG torch switch to end weld the
gas post-flow will continue to run for set time.
MMA – TIG mode switch
MMA-TIG mode switch. Switches between TIG (GTAW) & MMA STICK (SMAW) welding
AC Squarewave frequency adjuster
AC Squarewave frequency adjustment 50-250Hz.
Traditional TIG welders have a fixed frequency of 60Hz, the TIG161 advanced technology
allows AC frequency adjustment from 50-250hz, as you turn up the frequency the width of
arc from tungsten decreases allowing more control of weld pool and an increase travel
The pitch noise of weld will increase when AC frequency is turned up, this is normal.
100 - 120Hz is the ‘sweet spot’ for most AC welding.
LED Display
3 digit LED meter is used to display the pre-set (before welding) amperage and actual
amperage (when welding).
Gas post flow adjustment