Welding in TIG mode – No Pulse – No remote foot pedal
1. Connect the TIG torch and earth lead to machine & work piece.
2. Set the TIG/MMA switch to TIG
3. Select either DC (steel) or AC (alloys)
4. Select 2 or 4 way torch operation
5. Connect Argon gas and set flow to approx 8-12 LPM
6. Set Gas post flow to 10 Seconds
7. Adjust Base current to desired welding current
8. Set Pulse current, width & Freq to minimum setting (pulse off)
9. If welding on AC set AC Frequency to 100hz and SP% to 50
10. Press the TIG torch switch to start welding
Welding in TIG mode – with Pulse – No remote foot pedal
1. Connect the TIG Torch to machine, connect earth lead to machine & work piece.
2. Set the TIG/MMA switch to TIG
3. Select either DC (steel) or AC (alloys)
4. Select 2 or 4 way torch operation
5. Connect Argon gas and set flow to approx 8-12 LPM
6. Set Gas post flow to 5 Seconds
7. Adjust Base current to desired welding current.
8. Adjust Pulse current to desired setting
9. Adjust Pulse width to desired setting
10. Adjust Pulse freq. to desired setting
11. If welding on AC set AC Frequency to 100Hz and SP% to 50
12. Press the TIG torch switch to start welding
Notes: When welding with Pulse, the pulse amperage must be set higher than the base amperage.
The LED display will show Pre-set amperage with base and pulse current settings.
The benefits of pulse welding is the ability to control the weld pool and amount of heat absorbed by
work resulting in a smaller heat affected zone which results in fewer deformations and reduced
chance of cracking.
There are no set rules for pulse welding as this is down to personal choice by the welder.
Welding in TIG mode – with Remote foot pedal
1. Connect the TIG Torch to machine, connect earth lead to machine & work piece.
2. Connect remote foot pedal to machine
3. Set the TIG/MMA switch to TIG
4. Select either DC (steel) or AC (alloys)
5. Select 2 way torch operation
6. Connect Argon gas and set flow to approx 8-12 LPM
7. Set Gas post flow to 5 Seconds
8. If welding on AC set AC Frequency to 100Hz and SP% to 50
9. Adjust base current knob to desired maximum welding current that foot pedal will go to
10. Press the foot pedal to start welding.